Mark Twain Forum Reviews

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Mark Twain in fiction and popular culture
Other titles of interest
Books and Media not found in this index may have appeared in the "Briefly
Noted" postings.
Index of reviews
by reviewer.
Books to be considered for review may be sent to:
Barbara Schmidt
Review editor, Mark Twain Forum
P. O. Box 136
Kingsland, TX 78639
- Alvarez, Joseph A. (ed.), Mark
Twain's Geographical Imagination (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009)
- Anderson, Douglas, The Introspective
Art of Mark Twain (Bloomsbury, 2017)
- Arac, Jonathan, Huckleberry Finn as Idol and
Target: The Functions of Criticism in Our Time (Madison: University
of Wisconsin Press, 1997)
- Berkove, Lawrence I. and Joseph Csicsila, Heretical
Fictions: Religion in the Literature of Mark Twain (University of
Iowa Press, 2010)
- Berret, Anthony J., Mark Twain and Shakespeare:
A Cultural Legacy (Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1993)
- Beidler, Peter, Rafts & Other Rivercraft
in Huckleberry Finn (University of Missouri Press, 2018)
- Bird, John, Mark Twain and Metaphor
(University of Missouri Press, 2007)
- Bliss, Donald Tiffany, Mark Twain's Tale of
Today, Halley's Comet Returns: The Celebrated Author Critiques American Politics
(CreateSpace/Hale & Northam, 2012)
- _____, Mark Twain's 10 Lessons for
a Healthy Democracy: Keeping the Republic (Politics and Prose Bookstore,
- Bloom, Harold (ed.), Mark Twain (New
York and Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, 1986)
- Budd, Louis J. (ed.), Mark Twain: The Contemporary
Reviews (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1999)
- Bush, Harold K., Continuing Bonds with
the Dead: Parental Grief and Nineteenth-Century American Authors (University
of Alabama Press, 2016)
- Camfield, Gregg, Sentimental Twain: Samuel
Clemens in the Maze of Moral Philosophy (Philadelphia: University
of Pennsylvania Press, 1994)
- Chadwick-Joshua, Jocelyn, The Jim Dilemma:
Reading Race in Huckleberry Finn (Jackson: University Press of
Mississippi, 1998)
- Caron, James E., Mark Twain: Unsanctified Newspaper
Reporter (University of Missouri Press, 2008)
- Coulombe, Joseph L., Mark Twain and the American
West (Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 2003)
- Covici, Pascal, Jr., Humor and Revelation
in American Literature: The Puritan Connection (Columbia: University
of Missouri Press, 1997)
- Csicsila, Joseph and Chad Rohman, eds., Centenary
Reflections on Mark Twain's No. 44, The Mysterious Stranger (Columbia:
University of Missouri Press, 2009)
- David, Beverly, Mark Twain and His Illustrators:
Volume II (1875-1883) (Whitston Publishing Company, 2001)
- Driscoll, Kerry, Mark Twain among the Indians
and Other Indigenous Peoples (University of California Press, 2018)
- Fishkin, Shelley Fisher, Was Huck Black?: Mark
Twain and African-American Voices (New York and Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 1993)
- _____, (ed.), The Mark Twain Anthology: Great
Writers on His Life and Works (Library of America, 2010)
- Florence, Don, Persona and Humor in Mark Twain's
Early Writings (Columbia and London: University of Missouri Press,
- Fulton, Joe B., Mark Twain's Ethical Realism:
The Aesthetics of Race, Class, and Gender (Columbia: University
of Missouri Press, 1997)
- _____., Mark Twain in the Margins: The Quarry
Farm Marginalia and A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (University
of Alabama Press, 2000)
- _____., Mark Twain Under Fire: Reception
and Reputation, Criticism and Controversy, 1851-2015 (Camden House,
- Graff, Gerald, and James Phelan (eds.), Adventures
of Huckleberry Finn: A Case Study in Critical Controversy (Boston
and New York: Bedford Books of St. Martin's Press, 1995)
- Griffith, Clark, Achilles and the Tortoise:
Mark Twain's Fictions (Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press,
- Harrington, Paula and Ronald Jenn, Mark
Twain & France: The Making of a New American Identity (University
of Missouri Press, 2017)
- Harris, James Henry, N: My Encounter
with Racism and the Forbidden Word in an American Classic (Fortress
Press, 2021)
- Harris, Susan K., God's Arbiters: Americans
and the Philippines, 1898-1902 (Oxford University Press, 2011)
- Hellwig, Harold, Mark Twain's Travel Literature:
The Odyssey of a Mind (McFarland, 2008)
- Hill, Richard A. and Jim McWilliams (eds.), Mark
Twain Among the Scholars: Reconsidering Contemporary Twain Criticism
(Albany: Whitston Publishing Company, Inc., 2002)
- Hurm, Gerd, Rewriting the Vernacular Mark Twain:
The Aesthetics and Politics of Orality in Samuel Clemens's Fictions
(Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2003)
- Horn, Jason Gary, Mark Twain and William James:
Crafting a Free Self (Columbia and London: University of Missouri
Press, 1996)
- Howe, Lawrence, Mark Twain and the Novel:
The Double-Cross of Authority (New York: Cambridge University Press,
- Hsu, Hsuan, Sitting in Darkness: Mark Twain's Asia
and Comparative Racialization (New York University Press, 2015)
- Justus, James, Fetching the Old Southwest: Humorous
Writing from Longstreet to Twain (University of Missouri Press, 2004)
- Kete, Mary Louise, Sentimental Collaborations: Mourning
and Middle-Class Identity in Nineteenth-Century America (Duke University
Press, 1999)
- Knoper, Randall, Acting Naturally: Mark Twain
in the Culture of Performance (Berkeley: University of California
Press, 1995)
- Kolb, Harold H. Jr., Mark Twain: The Gift of Humor
(University Press of America, 2015)
- Krauth, Leland, Mark Twain & Company: Six
Literary Relations (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2003)
- Krauth, Leland, Proper Mark Twain
(Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1999)
- Kupersmith, Abraham, Twain and Freud on the
Human Race: Parallels on Personality, Politics and Religion (McFarland
and Co., 2009)
- Lai-Henderson, Selina. Mark Twain in China
(Stanford University Press, 2015)
- Lee, Judith Yaross, Twain's Brand: Humor in
Contemporary American Culture (University Press of Mississippi, 2012)
- Levy, Andrew, Huck Finn's America: Mark Twain and
the Era That Shaped His Masterpiece (Simon & Schuster, 2015)
- LeMenager, Stephanie, Manifest and Other Destinies:
Territorial Fictions of the Nineteenth-Century United States (University
of Nebraska Press, 2004)
- Lowry, Richard S., "Littery Man": Mark
Twain and Modern Authorship (New York and Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 1996)
- Mac Donnell, Kevin and R. Kent Rasmussen, eds., Mark
Twain and Youth: Studies in His Life and Writings (Bloomsbury, 2016)
- McParland, Robert, Mark Twain's Audience: A
Critical Analysis of Reader Responses to the Writings of Mark Twain (Lexington
Books, 2014)
- Melton, Jeffrey Alan, Mark Twain, Travel Books,
and Tourism: The Tide of a Great Popular Movement (University of Alabama
Press, 2002)
- Mensh, Elaine, and Harry Mensh, Black, White,
and Huckleberry Finn: Re-Imagining the American Dream (Tuscaloosa:
University of Alabama Press, 2000)
- Messent, Peter, Mark Twain (New
York: St. Martin's Press, 1997)
- Messent, Peter, The Short Works of Mark Twain:
A Critical Study. (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press,
- Michelson, Bruce
- Morris, Linda, Gender Play in Mark Twain: Cross-Dressing
and Transgression (University of Missouri Press, 2008)
- Norton, Charles, Huckleberry Finn and Mark
Twain: Death, Deceit, Dreams and Disguises (Xlibris Corporation, 2000)
- Obenzinger, Hilton, American Palestine: Melville,
Twain, and the Holy Land Mania (Princeton: Princeton University Press,
- Oggel, Terry L., "Speaking Out About Race:
'The United States of Lyncherdom' Clemens Really Wrote" (Prospects:
An Annual of American Cultural Studies 25. Edited by Jack Salzman. Cambridge
University Press, 2000)
- Omiya, Takeshi, Mark Twain and Europe (Osaka
Kyoiku Tosho, 2015)
- Quirk, Tom
- Railton, Stephen, Mark Twain: A Short Introduction
(Oxford, 2003)
- Rasmussen, R. Kent, ed., Critical Insights:
Mark Twain (Salem Press, 2010)
- _____, Critical Insights: Adventures
of Huckleberry Finn (Salem Press, 2017)
- _____, Critical Insights: The Adventures
of Tom Sawyer (Salem Press/Grey House Publishing, 2022)
- Roark, Jarrod D., Mark Twain at the Gallows:
Crime and Justice in His Western Writing, 1861-1873 (McFarland &
Co., 2019)
- Robinson, Forrest G. The Author-Cat
(New York: Fordham University Press, 2007)
- _____. The Cambridge Companion to Mark Twain
(Cambridge University Press, 1995)
- Robinson, Forrest G., Gabriel Noah Brahm, Jr., and Catherine Carlstroem.
The Jester and the Sages: Mark Twain in Conversation
with Nietzsche, Freud, and Marx (University of Missouri Press, 2011)
- Scharnhorst, Gary, (ed.), Twain in His
Own Time (University of Iowa Press, 2010)
- Sloane, David E. E. (ed.), Mark Twain's Humor
(New York: Garland Publishing, 1993)
- Stahl, J. D., Mark Twain, Culture and Gender:
Envisioning America Through Europe (Athens: University of Georgia
Press, 1994)
- Sundquist, Eric J. (ed.), Mark Twain: A Collection
of Critical Essays (Prentice-Hall, 1994)
- Takeuchi, Yasuhiro, Mark X: Who Killed Huck Finn's
Father? (Routledge, 2018)
- Trites, Roberta Seelinger, Twain, Alcott, and the
Birth of the Adolescent Reform Novel (University of Iowa Press, 2007)
- Vogel, Dan, Mark Twain's Jews (KTAV Publishing
House, 2006)
- Wieck, Carl, Refiguring Huckleberry Finn
(University of Georgia Press, 2000)
- Williams, Nathaniel, Gears and God, Technocratic
Fiction, Faith, and Empire in Mark Twain's America (University of
Alabama Press, 2018)
- Wolfson, Nicholas, Huckleberry Finn: Antidote
to Hate (Xlibris Corporation, 2003)
- Wuster, Tracy, Mark Twain, American Humorist
(University of Missouri Press, 2016)
- Ziff, Larzer, Return Passages: Great American Travel
Writing, 1780-1910 (Yale University Press, 2001)
- Bailey, Susan Madeline and Deborah Lynn Gosselin, The
Twain Shall Meet: The Mysterious Legacy of Samuel L. Clemens' Granddaughter,
Nina Clemens Gabrilowitsch (Self-published, 2014).
- Burns, Ken and Dayton Duncan and Geoffrey C. Ward, Mark
Twain, An Illustrated Biography (Alfred A. Knopf, 2001)
- Bush, Harold K., Jr. Mark Twain and
the Spiritual Crisis of His Age (University of Alabama Press, 2007)
- Courtney, Steve. Joseph Hopkins Twichell:
The Life and Times of Mark Twain's Closest Friend (University of Georgia
Press, 2008)
- Dempsey, Terrell, Searching for Jim, Slavery in
Sam Clemens's World (University of Missouri Press, 2003)
- Emerson, Everett, Mark Twain: A Literary Life
(Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2000)
- Fanning, Philip Ashley, Mark Twain and Orion Clemens:
Brothers, Partners, Strangers (The University of Alabama Press, 2003)
- Gold, Charles, "Hatching Ruin"
or, Mark Twain's Road to Bankruptcy (University of Missouri Press,
- Goodman, Susan and Carl Dawson, William Dean
Howells: A Writer's Life (University of California Press, 2005)
- Griffin, Benjamin, Mark Twain's Civil
War: "The Private History of a Campaign That Failed"
(Heyday and The Bancroft Library, 2019)
- Harris, Susan K., The Courtship of Olivia
Langdon and Mark Twain (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996)
- Hoffman, Andrew, Inventing Mark Twain: The Lives
of Samuel Langhorne Clemens (New York: William Morrow and Company,
- Hoffmann, Donald, Mark Twain in Paradise: His
Voyages to Bermuda (University of Missouri Press, 2006)
- Jerome, Robert D., Herbert A. Wisbey, Jr., and Barbara E. Snedecor, Mark
Twain in Elmira, Second Edition (Elmira College Center for Mark Twain
Studies, 2013).
- Kaplan, Fred, The Singular Mark Twain
(Doubleday, 2003)
- Katz, Harry L. and The Library of Congress, Mark
Twain's America: A Celebration in Words and Images (Little, Brown
and Company, 2015)
- Kirk, Connie Ann, Mark Twain: A Biography
(Greenwood Press, 2004)
- Knauer, Kelly, ed., Mark Twain: His Dangerous
Mind, Remarkable Life and Enduring Legacy (Time Home Entertainment,
- Krass, Peter, Ignorance, Confidence
and Filthy Rich Friends (John Wiley and Sons, 2007)
- Leon, Philip W., Mark Twain and West Point
(Toronto: ECW Press, 1996)
- Loving, Jerome. Confederate Bushwhacker:
Mark Twain in the Shadow of the Civil War (University Press of New
England, 2013)
_____. Mark Twain: The Adventures of Samuel L. Clemens
(University of California Press, 2010)
- Lystra, Karen, Dangerous Intimacy: The Untold Story
of Mark Twain's Final Years (University of California Press, 2004)
- McAllister, Pam, The Bedside, Bathtub &
Armchair Companion to Mark Twain (Continuum International Publishing
Group, 2008)
- McFarland, Philip, Mark Twain and the Colonel.
Samuel L. Clemens, Theodore Roosevelt, and the Arrival of a New Century
(Rowan and Littlefield, 2012)
- Messent, Peter and Steve Courtney, eds., The
Civil War Letters of Joseph Hopkins Twichell; A Chaplain's Story (University
of Georgia Press, 2006)
- Messent, Peter. Mark Twain and Male Friendship:
The Twichell, Howells, & Rogers Friendships (Oxford University
Press, 2009)
- Morris, Roy Jr. Lighting Out for the Territory:
How Samuel Clemens Headed West and Became Mark Twain (Simon and Schuster,
- Muller, John. Mark Twain in Washington,
D. C.: The Adventures of a Capital Correspondent (The History Press,
- Ober, K. Patrick, Mark Twain and Medicine: "Any
Mummery Will Cure" (University of Missouri Press, 2003)
- Perry, Mark. Grant and Twain (Random
House, 2004)
- Pfeffer, Miki (ed.), A New Orleans Author in Mark
Twain's Court: Letters from Grace King's New England Sojourns. (Louisiana
State University Press, 2019)
- Phipps, William E. Mark Twain's Religion
(Mercer University Press, 2003)
- Powers, Ron, Dangerous Water: A Biography
of the Boy Who Became Mark Twain (New York: Basic Books, 1999)
- Powers, Ron, Mark Twain, A Life (Free
Press, 2005)
- Reigstad, Thomas J., Scribblin' For a Livin':
Mark Twain's Pivotal Period in Buffalo (Prometheus Books, 2013)
- Rodney, Robert M., Mark Twain Overseas: A Biographical
Account of His Voyages, Travels, and Reception in Foreign Lands, 1866-1910
(Three Continents Press, 1993)
- Ryan, Ann M. and Joseph McCullough (eds.), Cosmopolitan
Twain (University of Missouri Press, 2008)
- Scharnhorst, Gary, The Life of Mark
Twain: The Early Years, 1835-1871 (University of Missouri Press, 2018)
- Schilling, Peter Jr., Mark Twain's Mississippi
River (Voyageur Press, 2014)
- Shelden, Michael. Mark Twain: Man in White
(Random House, 2010)
- Skandera-Trombley, Laura, Mark Twain in the Company
of Women (University of Pennsylvania Press, 1994)
- Skandera-Trombley, Laura, Mark Twain's Other
Woman: The Hidden Story of His Final Years (Alfred A. Knopf, 2010)
- Tarnoff, Ben, The Bohemians: Mark Twain and
the San Francisco Writers Who Reinvented American Literature (Penguin
Press, 2014)
- Valentine-Fonorow, "Was It Heaven Or Hell?":
The Triumphs and Torments of Mark Twain (Fonorow and Associates, Inc.,
- Zacks, Richard. Chasing the Last Laugh.
Mark Twain's Raucous and Redemptive Round-the-World Comedy Tour. (Doubleday,
- Ziff, Larzer, Mark Twain: Lives and Legacies Series
(Oxford University Press, 2004)
- Zwick, Jim, Confronting Imperialism: Essays on
Mark Twain and the Anti-Imperialist League (Infinity Publishing, 2007)
- Zwonitzer, Mark. The Stateman and the Storyteller:
John Hay, Mark Twain, and the Rise of American Imperialism (Algonquin
Books of Chapel Hill, 2016)
- Baetzhold, Howard G., and Joseph B. McCullough (eds.), The Bible According to Mark Twain: Writings on Heaven, Eden, and
the Flood (Athens and London: University of Georgia Press, 1995)
- Berkove, Lawrence I. (ed.), The Sagebrush
Anthology: Literature From the Silver Age of the Old West (University
of Missouri Press, 2006)
- Budd, Louis J. (ed.), Mark Twain: Collected
Tales, Sketches, Speeches, and Essays, 2 vols. (New York: Library
of America, 1992)
- Bush, Harold K., Steve Courtney, and Peter Messent, (eds.), The
Letters of Mark Twain and Joseph Hopkins Twichell (University of Georgia
Press, 2017)
- Cooley, John (ed.), How Nancy Jackson Married Kate
Wilson and Other Tales of Rebellious Girls and Daring Young Women.
(Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press, 2001)
- Dawidziak, Mark (ed.), Mark My Words: Mark
Twain on Writing (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1996)
- _____, Mark Twain for Cat Lovers (Lyons
Press, 2016)
- De Quille, Dan (William Wright), The
Big Bonanza. (Peruse Press, 2013)
- _____, The Sorceress of Attu. Ed. Lawrence
I. Berkove. (Dearborn: Mardigian Library, University of Michigan-Dearborn,
- Frank, Michael B. and Harriet Elinor Smith, Mark
Twain's Letters, vol. 6: 1874-1875 (Berkeley:
University of California Press, 2002)
- Fischer, Victor, and Michael B. Frank (eds.), and Lin Salamo (assoc. ed.),
Mark Twain's Letters, vol. 4: 1870-1871
(Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995)
- Fishkin, Shelley Fisher (ed.), The Oxford
Mark Twain (New York: Oxford University Press, 1996)
- Gribben, Alan (ed.), Mark
Twain's Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn (NewSouth, 2011)
- Gribben, Alan and Jeffrey Alan Melton (eds.) Mark
Twain on the Move: A Travel Reader (University of Alabama Press, 2009)
- Harranth, Wolf (trans.), Die Abenteuer des Huckleberry
Finn (Hamburg: Cecilie Dressler Verlag, 1995)
- Harris, Susan K. (ed.), Mark Twain: Historical
Romances (New York: Library of America, 1994)
- Ketterer, David (ed.), Tales of Wonder
(University of Nebraska Press, 2003)
- Kiskis, Michael J. (ed.), Mark Twain's Own Autobiography:
The Chapters From The North American Review (University of Wisconsin
Press, 2010)
- McCullough, Joseph B., and Janice McIntire-Strasburg (eds.), Mark Twain at the Buffalo Express: Articles
and Sketches by America's Favorite Humorist (DeKalb: Northern Illinois
University Press, 1999)
- McWilliams, Jim, Mark Twain in the St. Louis
Post-Dispatch, 1874-1891 (Troy, NY: The Whitston Publishing
Company, 1997)
- Pomplun, Tom (ed.), Graphic Classics:
Mark Twain (Eureka Productions, 2004)
- Quirk, Tom (ed.), Tales, Speeches, Essays and
Sketches (New York: Penguin Books, 1994)
- Quirk, Tom (ed.), The Portable Mark Twain
(Penguin Books, 2004)
- Rachels, David (ed.), Mark Twain's Civil War
(University of Kentucky Press, 2007)
- Railton, Stephen (ed.), Adventures
of Huckleberry Finn (Broadview Press, 2011)
- Rasmussen, R. Kent (ed.), Dear Mark Twain:
Letters from His Readers (University of California Press, 2013)
- _____, Mark Twain for Dog Lovers
(Lyons Press, 2016)
- _____, Mark Twain: Autobiographical Writings
(Penguin Books, 2012)
- _____, Mark Twain's Book for Bad Boys and Girls
(Chicago: Contemporary Books, 1995)
_____, Mark
Twain's Tales of the Macabre and Mysterious (Lyon's Press, 2024)
- Reigstad, Thomas J., The
Illustrated Mark Twain and the Buffalo Express (North Country Books,
- Roberts, Don E. (ed.), The Diaries of Adam
and Eve: Translated by Mark Twain (San Francisco: Fair Oaks Press,
- Roorda, Eric Paul (ed.), Twain at Sea: The
Maritime Writings of Samuel Langhorne Clemens ( University Press of
New England, 2018)
- Salamo, Lin, and Harriet Elinor Smith (eds.), Mark
Twain's Letters, vol. 5: 1872-73 (Berkeley: University of California
Press, 1997)
- Salamo, Lin, Victor Fischer and Michael B. Frank (ed.), Mark
Twain's Helpful Hints for Good Living: A Handook for the Damned Human Race
(Berkeley: University of Califoria Press, 2004)
- Scharnhorst, Gary (ed), Mark Twain:
The Complete Interviews (University of Alabama Press, 2006)
- _____, Mark Twain on Potholes and Politics: Letters
to the Editor (University of Missouri Press, 2014)
- Shaw, Angel Velasco and Luis H. Francia (eds.), Vestiges
of War: The Philippine American War and the Aftermath of an Imperial Dream,
1899-1999 (New York University Press, 2003).
- Snedecor, Barbara (ed.), Gravity: Selected Letters
of Olivia Langdon Clemens (University of Missouri Press, 2023)
- Taper, Bernard (ed.), Mark Twain's San Francisco
(Heyday Books, 2003)
- Thomason, Jerry, and Tom Quirk (eds.), "Colonel
Sellers: A Drama in Five Acts," Missouri Review, 18.3
(1995): 109-151
- Twain, Mark, The Works of Mark Twain: Adventures
of Huckleberry Finn, edited by Victor Fischer and Lin Salamo (University
of California Press, 2003)
- _____, Mark Twain Library: Adventures of Huckleberry
Finn, edited by Victor Fischer and Lin Salamo (University of California
Press, 2001)
- _____, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: A Comprehensive
Edition, introduction by Justin Kaplan; foreword and textual addendum
by Victor Doyno (New York: Random House, 1996)
- _____, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn:
A Penguin Enriched eBook Classic (Kindle Edition), introduction by
John Seelye. Edited with notes by Guy Cardwell and R. Kent Rasmussen. 368
pp. (Penguin Classics 2008)
- _____, Adventures
of Huckleberry Finn. Foreword by Azar Nafisi; Introduction and Notes
by R. Kent Rasmussen (Penguin Classics, 2014)
- _____, The Adventures of Thomas Jefferson
Snodgrass, edited by Charles Honce. Forward by Vincent Starrett. A
Note on "A Celebrated Village Idiot" by James O'Donnell Bennett.
Limited edition of 500 copies. (Privately printed by Keokuk Public Library,
- _____, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
Introduction and Notes by R. Kent Rasmussen (Penguin Classics, 2014)
- _____, The Annotated Huckleberry Finn,
edited by Michael Patrick Hearn (W. W. Norton and Co., 2001)
- _____, Autobiography of Mark Twain:
The Complete and Authoritative Edition, Volume 1. Harriet Elinor Smith
(ed.). (University of California
Press, 2010)
- _____, Autobiography of Mark Twain:
The Complete and Authoritative Edition, Volume 2. Benjamin Griffin
and Harriet Elinor Smith, (eds.). (University
of California Press, 2013)
- _____. Autobiography of Mark Twain:
The Complete and Authoritative Edition, Volume 3. Benjamin Griffin
and Harriet Elinor Smith, (eds.). (University of California Press, 2015)
- _____, A Family Sketch and Other Private
Writings, By Mark Twain, Livy Clemens, and Susy Clemens. edited by
Benjamin Griffin. (University of California Press, 2014.
- _____, Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer Among the
Indians and Other Unfinished Stories. Foreword and Notes by Dahlia
Armon and Walter Blair (University of California Press, 1989, 2003)
_____, The
Innocents Abroad, edited by Philip Trauring (Quint Books, 2024)
- _____, Is He Dead? A Comedy in Three Acts,
edited by Shelley Fisher Fishkin (University of California Press, 2003)
- _____, Mark Twain 100th Anniversary
Collection. (SeaWolf Press, 2018)
- _____, Mark Twain Press Critic (Friends
of the Bancroft Library, 2003)
- _____, Mark Twain's Book of Animals,
edited by Shelley Fisher Fishkin (University of California Press, 2010)
- _____, Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry
Finn: The Original Text Edition, edited by Alan Gribben. (NewSouth
Books, 2011)
- _____. Mark Twain's Adventures of Tom Sawyer:
The Original Text Edition, edited by Alan Gribben. (NewSouth Books,
- _____. Pudd'nhead Wilson:
Manuscript and Revised Versions with "Those Extraordinary Twins,"
edited by Benjamin Griffin. (University of California Press, 2024)
- _____, Roughing It, edited by Harriet Elinor Smith and
Edgar Marquess Branch (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993)
- _____. Roughing It. (Peruse
Press, 2015)
- _____, Who Is Mark Twain?, edited by Robert
H. Hirst (HarperStudio, 2009)
- Twain, Mark and Philip Stead, The Purloining
of Prince Oleomargarine (Doubleday Books for Young Readers, 2017)
- Zwick, Jim (ed.), Mark Twain's Weapons of Satire:
Anti-Imperialist Writings on the Philippine-American War (Syracuse:
Syracuse University Press, 1992)
- Bell, James, Mark Twain and 8100 Goggin Kin
(Bell Books, 2001)
- Camfield, Gregg, The Oxford Companion to
Mark Twain (New York: Oxford University Press, 2003)
- Collins, Brian, When In Doubt, Tell the Truth,
and Other Quotations from Mark Twain (New York: Columbia University
Press, 1996)
- Gribben, Alan
- Horn, Jason Gary, Mark Twain: A Descriptive
Guide to Biographical Sources (Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 1999)
- LeMaster, J. R., and James D. Wilson (eds.), Mark
Twain Encyclopedia (New York: Garland Publishing, 1993)
- Machlis, Paul, with the assistance of Deborah Ann Turner, Union Catalog of Letters to Clemens (Berkeley: University
of California Press, 1992)
- Messent, Peter, The Cambridge Introduction
to Mark Twain (Cambridge University Press, 2007)
- Messent, Peter and Louis J. Budd (eds.), A
Companion to Mark Twain (Blackwell Publishing, 2005)
- Rasmussen, R. Kent
- Quirk, Tom (ed.), Dictionary of Literary Biography,
Volume 343: Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry
Finn: A Documentary Volume (Gale Cengage Learning, 2008)
- 88 Days in the Motherlode: Mark Twain Finds His
Voice. DVD. John C. Brown and Bert Simonis. (This 'n That Films, 2015)
- A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, Adventures of Huckleberry
Finn, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Prince and the Pauper (Naxos
Audio Books, 1995-2001)
- The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Understanding
a Classic (video) and Mark Twain: Huckleberry Finn and Other
Works (CD-ROM) (Princeton, N.J.: Films for the Humanities & Sciences,
- Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
(Auburn, CA: Audio Partners, 1999)
- Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Adventures of Tom
Sawyer, Roughing It (Books on Tape);
Mark Twain Gift Set: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, "Jumping Frog"
(The Mind's Eye)
- The Adventures of Mark Twain: Collector's
Edition. Directed by Will Vinton (Magnolia Home Entertainment, 2012)
- The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain: Wild Humorist
of the West, and Mark Twain Tonight! (Auburn, CA: Audio Partners Publishing Corp., 1995), and Mark
Twain for President (Washington, DC: Macklin/Clemens Corp., 1988)
- Becker, Thomas, Great Authors: The Humor of
Mark Twain (Arlington, TX: Entertainment Software, n.d.); and "The
Double-Barreled Detective Story" (Sound Room Pub., 1996)
- Engel, Elliot, Mark Twain: A Light and Enlightening
Look (Raleigh, NC: Media Consultants, 1996)
- Educational Print and Outreach Department. Huck
Finn Coursepack. Includes video documentary Born to Trouble: Adventures
of Huckleberry Finn and Huck Finn in Context: A Teaching Guide.
WGBH Educational Foundation, 2000.
- Holbrook, Hal, Mark Twain Tonight!
(video, 1999 [1967])
- Ken Richters as Mark Twain, America's First Stand
Up Comedian (Connecticut Public Broadcasting, 2002)
- Layne, McAvoy, Mark Twain's Letters from Hawaii
(The Audio Partners Publishing Corporation, 2004)
- Mark Twain: A Concise Biography
(West Long Branch, NJ: Kultur International Films, 1996?)
- Mark Twain: A Film Directed by Ken Burns
(PBS Home Video, 2002.)
- Mark Twain's Neighborhood Nook Farm (Connecticut
Public Broadcasting, 2002)
- Post, Jim, Mark Twain and the Laughing River
(CD) (Evanston, IL: Woodside Avenue Music Productions, Inc., 1996); and Post,
Jim, Mark Twain and the Laughing River (video) (Galena, IL: Jim
Post Productions, 1998?)
- Schwab, Jacqueline. Mark Twain's America, A Portrait
in Music. (Dorian Recordings, 2001).
- Smith, Llewelyn and Andrew Ward, The Jubilee Singers:
Sacrifice and Glory (The American Experience). Alexandria, VA: PBS
Home Video, 2000.
- Tom Sawyer. Hollywood: Library of Moving
Images, 2000. 44 minutes. (Rerelease of 1917 silent film directed by William
Desmond Taylor for Paramount.)
- Twain, Mark, The American Claimant. Narrated
by Richard Henzel. (The Mark Twain in Person Audio Library, 2010)
_____, The Diaries of Adam and Eve: Translated
by Mark Twain (San Francisco: Fair Oaks Audio, 1999)
_____. Is Shakespeare Dead? Narrated
by Richard Henzel. (The Mark Twain in Person Audio Library, 2011)
Children and education
- Aller, Susan, Mark Twain: A & E Biography
(Lerner Publications, 2001)
- Evans, John D., A Tom Sawyer Companion: An Autobiographical
Guided Tour with Mark Twain (Lanham: University Press of America,
- Gilding, Thomas, Mark Twain & Me, Mikey T.
and other stories (Burlington, WI: Mark Twain Entertainment, 1996)
- de Koster, Katie (ed.)
- Leonard , James S. (ed.), Making Mark Twain
Work in the Classroom (Durham: Duke University Press, 1999)
- Nogowski, John, Teaching Huckleberry Finn: Why
and How to Present the Controversial Classic in the High School Classroom
(McFarland & Company, 2018)
- Rasmussen, R. Kent, Mark Twain for Kids: His Life
and Times, 21 Activities (Chicago Review Press, 2004)
Mark Twain in fiction and popular culture
- Brock, Darryl. If I Never Get Back
and Two in the Field (Plume, 2002, 2003)
- Bush, H. K. The Hemingway Files
(Blank Slate Press, 2017)
- Cady, Jack, The Off Season: A Victorian Sequel
(New York: St. Martin's Press, 1995)
- Champlin, Tim
- Clinch, Jon, Finn (Random House, 2007)
- Coover, Robert, Huck Out West (W.
W. Norton and Company, 2017)
- Cullen, Lynn, Twain's End (Gallery Books,
- DeRoche, Tim, The Ballad of Huck & Miguel
(Redtail Press, 2018)
- Elster, Charles Harrington, Test of Time: A Novel
Approach to the SAT and ACT (Harcourt, Inc., 2004)
- Fanning, Patrick, Infidels Abroad: A Novel
of Mark Twain & John Singer Sargent in an Alternate California
(ArtWorks Press, 2012)
- Fishkin, Shelley Fisher, Lighting Out for
the Territory: Reflections on Mark Twain and American Culture (New
York: Oxford University Press, 1996)
- Foote, Horton, and Mark Dawidziak, Horton Foote's
The Shape of the River: The Lost Teleplay about Mark Twain. With History
and Analysis by Mark Dawidziak (Applause, 2003)
- Garvey, Ellen Gruber, Writing With Scissors, American
Scrapbooks from the Civil War to the Harlem Renaissance (Oxford University
Press, 2013)
- Hart, Lenore, Becky: The
Life and Loves of Becky Thatcher (New York: St. Martin's Press, 2008)
- Haupt, Clyde V., Huckleberry Finn on Film: Film
and Television Adaptations of Mark Twain's Novel, 1920-1993 (Jefferson,
NC, and London: McFarland and Company, 1994)
- Hauser, Thomas, Mark Twain Remembers: A Novel
(New York: Barricade Books, 1999)
- Heck, Peter J.
- Ishihara, Tsuyoshi, Mark Twain in Japan: The
Cultural Reception of an American Icon (University of Missouri Press,
- Lawson, Jessica, The Actual & Truthful Adventures
of Becky Thatcher (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, 2014)
- Macnaughton, Bill (William R.), Mark Twain's
Civil War (RoseDog Books, 2012)
Myrick, Leslie Diane and
Gary Scharnhorst, Cartoons and
Caricatures of Mark Twain in Context: Reformer and Social Critic, 1869-1910
(University of Alabama Press, 2024)
- Pearson, Michael, Shohola Falls (Syracuse
University Press, 2003)
- Schullery, Paul, Diamond Jubilee: Sherlock
Holmes, Mark Twain, and the Peril of the Empire (CreateSpace Independent
Publishing Platform, 2016)
- Thoene, Brock, The Legend of Storey County:
A Novel (Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1995)
- Twain, Mark and Stephen Stewart, Huck Finn
and Tom Sawyer Collaboration; The Sequel to: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
(New Mill Publishing, 2001)
- Walker, Dan, Huckleberry Finn in Love and War:
The Lost Journals (PublishAmerica, 2007)
- Young, Melissa Scholes, Flood: A Novel
(Center Street/Hachette Book Group, 2017)
Other titles of interest
- Adler, John, America's Most Influential
Journalist: The Life, Times and Legacy of Thomas Nast (HarpWeek, 2022)
- Andrews, Gregg
- Antonucci, David, Fairest Picture: Mark Twain
at Lake Tahoe (Art of Learning Publishing, Lake Tahoe, 2011)
- Applegate, Debby, The Most Famous Man in America:
The Biography of Henry Ward Beecher (Doubleday, 2006)
- Austilat, Andreas, A Tramp in Berlin, New
Mark Twain Stories: an Account of Twain's Berlin Adventures (Berlinica,
- Barry, John M., Rising Tide: The Great Mississippi
Flood of 1927 and How It Changed America (New York: Simon and Schuster,
- Beahrs, Andrew, Twain's Feast: Searching for
America's Lost Foods in the Footsteps of Samuel Clemens (The Penguin
Press, 2010)
- Benfey, Christopher, A Summer of Hummingbirds:
Love, Art, and Scandal in the Intersecting Worlds of Emily Dickinson, Mark
Twain, Harriet Beecher Stowe, & Martin Johnson Heade (Penguin
Press, 2008)
- Boewe, Mary, Beyond the Cabbage Patch: The Literary
World of Alice Hegan Rice (Butler Books, 2010)
- Chou, Steve, Hannibal, Missouri; Bluff City Memories
(Arcadia Publishing, 2002)
- Coggswell, Gladys Caines, Stories from the Heart:
Missouri's African American Heritage (University of Missouri Press,
- Cooper, Robert, Around the World with Mark Twain
(New York: Arcade Publishing, 2000)
- Courtney, Steve, "The Loveliest
Home That Ever Was": The Story of the Mark Twain House in Hartford
(Dover Publications, 2011)
_____. Mark Twain's Hartford. (Arcadia
Publishing, 2016).
- Curtis, Donnelyn and Lawrence I. Berkove, eds. Before
the Big Bonanza: Dan De Quille's Early Comstock Accounts (University
of Missouri Press, 2015)
- Daggett, R. M. and J. T. Goodman. With Introduction and Notes by Lawrence
I. Berkove. The Psychoscope; A Sensational Drama
in Five Acts (Mark Twain Journal, 2006)
- DeMarco, Laura. Mark Twain's America, Then and
Now (Pavilion Books, 2019)
- Fishkin, Shelley Fisher, Writing America:
Literary Landmarks from Walden Pond to Wounded Knee, A Reader's Companion
(Rutgers University Press, 2015)
- Hester, Alex and Stephanie, The Huckleberry
Cookbook (TwoDot, 2017).
- Holbrook, Hal, Harold, The Boy Who Became Mark
Twain (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2011)
- Hopkins, Richard L., The Tragic Saga of James
W. Paige's Marvelous Typesetting Machine (Hill & Dale Private
Press and Type Foundry, 2014)
- Johnson, Joel A., Beyond Practical
Virtue (University of Missouri Press, 2007)
- Kinzer, Stephen, The True Flag: Theodore Roosevelt,
Mark Twain, and the Birth of American Empire (Henry Holt and Company,
- Kaiser, Scott, Splittin' the Raft
(CreateSpace, 2017)
- Kolin, Philip C. and Jack B. Bedell, Down
to the Dark River: Contemporary Poems about the Mississippi River (Louisiana
Literature Journal and Press, 2015)
- Leckey, Andrew, The Lack of Money is the Root
of All Evil: Mark Twain's Timeless Wisdom on Money, Wealth, and Investing.
(Paramus, NJ: Prentice Hall Press, 1999 )
- Lowe, Hilary Iris, Mark Twain's Homes and Literary
Tourism (University of Missouri Press, 2012)
- Multatuli, Max Havelaar, or, The Coffee Auctions
of the Dutch Trading Company. Translated
from Dutch by Ina Rilke and David McKay. Introduction by Pramoedya Ananta
Toer. (New York: New York Review Books, 2019)
- Nissen, Axel, Bret Harte, Prince and Pauper.
(University Press of Mississippi, 2000)
- Scharnhorst, Gary, Bret Harte, Opening the American
Literary West. (University of Oklahoma Press, 2000)
- Stewart, Robert E, Aurora; Nevada's Ghost City
of the Dawn. (Nevada Publications, 2004)
- Strathcarron, Ian, Innocence and War: Mark
Twain's Holy Land Revisited. (Dover Publications, 2012)
_____. The Indian Equator: Mark Twain's India
Revisited (Dover Publications, 2013)
- Vaidhyanathan. Siva, Copyrights and Copywrongs:
The Rise of Intellectual Property and How it Threatens Creativity
(New York University Press, 2001)
- Vitale, Joe
- Wadsworth, Sarah. In the Company of Books: Literature
and Its "Classes" in Nineteenth-Century America. University
of Massachusetts Press, (2006)
- Ward, Andrew, Dark Midnight When I Rise: The Story
of the Jubilee Singers Who Introduced the World to the Music of Black America.
(New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2000)
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