This electronic text is from the Mark Twain Forum
                  Copyright (c) 1998 Mark Twain Circle

Index to _Mark Twain: A Reference Guide_ Updates

The purpose of this index is to assist researchers using:

1. The seven annual supplements to Thomas A. Tenney's _Mark Twain: A
Reference Guide_ (G. K. Hall, 1977),

2. The addenda on pages 397-408 of the _Reference Guide_ (not indexed in
that volume),

3. The first two volumes of the _Mark Twain Circular_ (Jan. 1987-Dec.

4. The "About Mark Twain" section of these issues of the _Circular_. 
("About Mark Twain" updates the annotated bibliography published in the
earlier _Reference Guide_ and Supplements.)


Using This Index

Supplements and Addenda

The seven supplements appeared in _American Literary Realism_ in fall or
spring issues from 1977 to 1983 (see list below) and are still
invaluable sources for annotated listings of scholarship important to
Twain studies.  To further assist the researcher, the annotated Addenda
published in the original guide on pages 397-408 are also indexed here
for the first time.

The supplements were published in the same format as the original guide,
using alphabetical and chronological listings of authors.  The
supplements, however, were not indexed for easy access.  Items listed in
the Reference Guide have code numbers for indexing, so users may quickly
find any desired name or topic by scanning the index.  To use the
supplements, researchers had to scan all 452 pages of Tenney's
comprehensive annotations to be sure of a thorough search.  This index
provides simplified, quick access to the listings and gives cross
references to further aid the researcher.

Supplement Listings in this Index.  Since no code system was used in the
supplements, this index is based on a simple item, supplement year, and
page number system.  For example, the name "Grant, Ulysses S." is
followed by the last two digits of the supplement year in parentheses
(77).  This number is then followed by a list of all pages on which the
topic is mentioned.  When a new supplement's listings begin, a semicolon
precedes the supplement's year, again in parentheses, and so on.

The user should scan every item on any cited page for specific mentions
of his topic because in many cases the subject will appear in more than
one listing.  In some cases, several pages can include related material,
as in pages 162-64 of the 1981 supplement, which lists many items on
_The Territorial Enterprise_.

Items listed include all names of people associated with Mark Twain,
names of prominent authors and artists who discuss Twain, names of noted
Twain scholars, subject listings (motifs, themes and techniques in
Twain's work), titles of works, including some lectures by MT, and many
place names associated with Twain.  All discussions of translations,
adaptations, and illustrations of MT's work are indexed, many under the
language of original publication.  Because of the great variety of
annotated topics, the user should look over the index to see what topics
appear and see how cross references can help in finding related

Not every author name is indexed; authors who have some significance to
scholarship--names such as Paine, DeVoto, Gribben, Budd, and many
others--are indexed.  Others are listed when no specific subject could
be listed, or when the item appeared in a scholarly journal.  If the
item appeared in a general interest publication, the subject may be
indexed instead of the author.

Tenney's listings include every general study of Twain published that
came to his attention, and many of these he describes as "general,"
"with no new information" or "for the younger reader."  These items were
not indexed if the annotation indicates the item presents nothing useful
for the scholar.

Note:  The user should be aware of the abbreviations used in the
supplement, shorthand references to Twain's works such as AC for _An
American Claimant_ or HF for _Adventures of Huckleberry Finn_.  These
abbreviations are listed before each annual supplement in _American
Literary Realism_ and in the April 1987 and each subsequent
January/February issue of the _Mark Twain Circular_.

Addenda Listings (Ad.).   Items listed as (Ad.) followed by a page
number refer to items in the Addenda (pages 397-408) in the original
_Reference Guide_.  These items were compiled after the _Guide_ had been
indexed, and are indexed here for the first time.  All author names and
subjects in the Addenda are indexed; again, the user should be aware
that many topics appear in more than one item on a listed page.

_Mark Twain Circular_ (CIRC), "About Mark Twain" (AMT)

The _Mark Twain Circular_ is the monthly (1987) or bimonthly (since
1987) newsletter of the Mark Twain Circle of America.  It regularly

1. News about Mark Twain Circle business and conference and paper
announcements.  This information has not been included in the following
index.  Commercial advertisements for Twainiana, included in many
issues, are also not indexed here.

2. Short articles on Twain or related authors.  These articles usually
appear in the first four pages of the _Circular_ and are typically quite
brief.  Because these items are not fully indexed elsewhere, those
published in volumes 1 and 2 are indexed here, including the author,
subject, and many subtopics discussed.  An updated index for each year
hereafter is planned, and will appear annually in the Circular.

3. "About Mark Twain" is a regular section of each issue in which Thomas
Tenney updates the annotated bibliography of the _Reference Guide_ and
Supplements.  To assist the researcher and simplify the index format,
"About Mark Twain" listings, including authors, subjects, and subtopics,
are indexed here separately from the _Circular_ articles.

"About Mark Twain" Listings (AMT).   "About Mark Twain" listings follow
any Supplement and Addenda listings.  After the last Supplement page
number, the letters AMT follow a semicolon.  Then the month and last two
digits of the year (87 or 88) are listed.   (For example, "Hagood, J.
Huxley AMT Sept. 87").  If the item appears in more than one issue, a
comma will precede each new listing (May 87, Jan. 88, Sept. 88). 
Because each AMT section is short, typically 2-4 pages, page numbers are
not included in this index.  The user simply needs to identify the
appropriate issue and find the "About Mark Twain" section in that issue. 
(Each one is clearly labeled at the top of the beginning page).  Again,
the reader should look over the entire section to insure finding all
mentions of the topic.

_Circular_ Listings (CIRC).  Articles in the _Mark Twain Circular_ are
indexed last in a listing to keep them separate from AMT listings, and
because there are fewer of them than any other category in this index. 
An author or topic appearing in the _Circular_ is listed as follows:

1. CIRC follows a semicolon, followed by the month and year number of
the issue involved, as for the AMT listings.

2. The page number(s) of that item follow after a comma, then a p. or
pp. to indicate page numbers (CIRC Oct. 88, pp. 1-3).

Note:  To help keep the _Circular_ listings distinct from the
Supplements and Addenda, the CIRC and AMT keys are not in parentheses. 
1988 issues (see list below) are bimonthly: September-October,
November-December, etc.  Only the first month is listed in the index.


The following list of Supplements, Addenda, and _Mark Twain Circular_
publications should assist in locating the desired issues or page

_American Literary Realism_ Supplements to _Mark Twain: A Reference

10.4 (Autumn 1977): 327-412
11.2 (Autumn 1978): 157-218
12.2 (Autumn 1979): 175-276
13.2 (Autumn 1980): 161-224
14.2 (Autumn 1981): 157-194
15.1 (Spring 1982): 1-46
16.2 (Autumn 1983): 163-222

Addenda (Mark Twain: A Reference Guide [G. K. Hall, 1977].  397-408.)

_Mark Twain Circular_, Vols. 1-2 (including "About Mark Twain" page

1.1 (Jan. 1987) [No AMT this issue.]
1.2 (Feb. 1987) [P. 5 is a list of useful sources; p. 6 is devoted to
criticism of Huckleberry Finn.]
1.3 (Mar. 1987) [No AMT this issue.]
1.4 (Apr. 1987) [AMT pp. 3-4; see note to 1.5.]
1.5 (May 1987) [AMT pp. 3-6.  The "About Mark Twain" page from 1.4 was
repeated in 1.5 due to a printing error.  In this index, 1.4 items are
listed as such; in some copies of 1.5, these items are repeated.]
1.6 (June 1987) [AMT pp. 5-6.]
1.7 (July 1987) [AMT pp. 3-4.]
1.8 (Aug. 1987) [AMT pp. 3-4.]
1.9 (Sept. 1987) [AMT pp. 3-4, 7-8.]
1.10 (Oct. 1987) [AMT pp. 3-4.]
1.11 (Nov. 1987) [pp. Louis J. Budd's annotated bibliography on "Mark
Twain and the West"; AMT is on pp. 5-6.]
1.12 (Dec. 1987) [AMT pp. 5-6.]
2.1-2 (Jan.-Feb. 1988) [AMT pp. 7-10.]
2.3-4 (Mar.-Apr. 1988) [AMT pp. 5-7.]
2.5-6 (May-June 1988) [AMT pp. 5-8.]
2.7-8 (July-Aug. 1988) [AMT pp. 5-6.]
2.9-10 (Sept.-Oct. 1988) [AMT pp. 5-8.]
2.11-12 (Nov.-Dec. 1988) [AMT p. 5.]


"About the Jews" (see "Concerning the Jews")
Adam's Diary (see Excerpts from Adam's Diary)
Adams, George C. (Ad.) 407
Adams, Henry (77) 334, 397; (80) 188
Adams, Sir John (77) 341
Adeler, Max (77) 406
"Adventure in Remote Seas, An" (83) 202
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (see Huckleberry Finn)
Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The (see Tom Sawyer)
Adventures of Mark Twain (1942 movie) (79) 215; (80) 185; (82) 38
Agrawal, I. N. (Ad.) 404
Ahrends, Gunter AMT Jan. 88
Ah Sin (play by MT and Bret Harte) (78) 179; (79) 203; (81) 178
Akeley, Ellsworth (80) 192
Aldrich, Thomas Bailey (79) 223
Aleichem, Sholom (79) 236
Alexander Scott (steamboat; see steamboats) (78) 192
Alexander II (Czar of Russia) (79) 231
Alger, Horatio (83) 192-93
"All Right" (80) 181
Allen, Helen Schuyler (see Allen, Marian; Bermuda) (81) 179
Allen, Marian Schuyler (see Bermuda) (79) 197, 207
Allen, W. H. (83) 171
Alta, San Francisco Daily (see also IA; Quaker City; Fairbanks, Mary)
     (79) 209; (81) 190; CIRC June 87, p. 1, May 88, p. 1
Ament, Joseph P. (Ad.) 408
American Booksellers Association (77) 384
American Claimant, An (see also Sellers, Col. Tom) (77) 375; (81) 178;
     (82) 8
American Prophet, An (77) 371
Amsbary, Wallace Bruce (Ad.) 408
Ancone, Frank AMT Mar. 88
Anderson, Carl L. (79) 239
Anderson, David (Ad.) 407
Anderson, Douglas AMT Dec. 87, July 88
Anderson, Frederick (79) 225, 241, 268; (Ad.) 398, 401, 404; CIRC Nov.
     87, p. 3
Anderson, Sherwood (77) 394; (79) 247; (81) 185
Andrews, Kenneth (Ad.) 397
Angell, Norman (83) 181
animals (as subject by MT; see also cats) (79) 254; (80) 212; CIRC Nov.
     87, p. 2
Appel, Allen AMT Sept. 88
architecture (81) 192
Archer, William (81) 165
Armour, Richard (81) 180
Armstrong, C. J. (80) 181
Arnold, Armin (Ad.) 400
Arnold, David L. (Ad.) 404
Arnold, Matthew (79) 228; (81) 168; (Ad.) 400
Arnold, St. George Tucker AMT Sept. 88; CIRC Nov. 87, p. 2
Arvin, Newton (Ad.) 399
Ashcroft, Ralph (78) 212; (79) 242
Asselineau, Roger (79) 254; (80) 203; (81) 184; (Ad.) 397
"Associated Press Speech" (80) 184
Atchity, Kenneth (Ad.) 403
Atherton, James (77) 349
Attebery, Louis W. (77) 366
Auden, W. H. (79) 226
Austin, L. F. (77) 331
Austin, Linda M. AMT March 88
Australia (80) 176; (82) 19; (83) 220
Austria (79) 227
Autobiography of Mark Twain, The (78) 179, 180, 182; (79) 191, 203, 231;
     (82) 35; AMT March 87, Nov. 87, Dec. 87, July 88; CIRC May 88, p. 2
Ayck, Thomas (79) 2476

Babcock, C. Merton (Ad.) 400, 404
"Babes in the Woods" (77) 336; (79) 258
"Babies, The" (speech by MT) (80) 173; (82) 34
Bacheller, Irving (77) 340
Baender, Paul CIRC Nov. 87, p. 2
Baetzhold, Howard (77) 385; (78) 191, 192, 203; (Ad.) 401, 403; CIRC
     Nov. 87, pp. 1-2
Baker, William AMT May 88
Ball, Charles (82) 29
Bangs, John Kendrick (79) 189; (80) 185
Banks, R. Jeff (Ad.) 405
Banta, Martha (79) 257
Barnett, Samuel Augustus (79) 199
Barnum. P. T. (79) 244; (83) 204
Barr, Robert (79) 194-95; (81) 171
Barrett, William G. (79) 220
Barrie, J. M. (78) 178
Barrow, David AMT July 87
Barrymore, Lionel (83) 187
Barrymore, Maurice (83) 187
baseball, allusions to (83) 197
Bassett, John E. AMT March 88
Batavia (steamship) (Ad.) 407
Bausch, Pieter (78) 176
Bazerman, Charles (Ad.) 404
Beard, Daniel Carter (a1so see Conn. Yankee) (77) 380, 403; (78) 202;
     (79) 206, 211, 248; (80) 183, 200, 207, 210; (Ad.) 399; AMT Aug. 87
Beaver, Harold (Ad.) 399, 405; AMT May 87
Beck, James M. (79) 205; (83) 179
Becker, John E. AMT July 88
Bedford, R. C. (80) 202
Beecher, Henry Ward AMT April 87
Beecher, Rev. Thomas K. (78) 167; (79) 219; (82) 6-7, 41
Beerbohm, Max (77) 375; (81) 184-85
Beidler, Phillip D. AMT April 87
Bellamy, Gladys C. CIRC Nov. 87, p. 2
Bellow, Saul (77) 35, 359
Benson, Ivan CIRC Nov. 87, p. 2
Benton, Thomas Hart AMT July 87
Berger, Arthur Asa (Ad.) 407
Berger, Sidney (Ad.) 405
Berkove, Lawrence AMT Oct. 87, May 88; CIRC March 88, pp. 1-2, July 88,
     pp. 1-3
Bermuda (also see Allen family) (79) 208; (83) 171, 183; CIRC May 87
Bernhardt, Sarah (80) 187
Berret, Anthony AMT May 88
Bess, Ralph (77) 355
Bettini, Gianni (77) 361
Bewley, Marius AMT Sept. 88
Bible, The (also see religion) (77) 396; (79) 246, 263; (80) 205
Biddle, Jeff E. AMT Jan. 88
Bierce, Ambrose (79) 260-261; (81) 162, 164, 172, 182, 183
Billings, Josh (see also literary comedians) (77) 406; (Ad.) 407
Bingham, Robert (79) 210
Birchfield, James AMT Oct. 87
Bird, John AMT Dec. 87
Birrell, Augustine (83) 170
Bispham, David (80) 177
Bixby, Horace (79) 193, 198, 258
Black, Harold A. B. (83) 180
Blair, Walter (77) 361, 374; (78) 193, 202, 205, 214; (79) 242, 254,
     269; (82) 31; (Ad.) 399, 402, 404; CIRC Nov. 87, p. 2
Blanck, Jacob (77) 354
Blankenship, Tom (also see Hannibal, Mo.) (78) 174, 203-204
Blathwayt, Raymond (81) 166
Bliss, Elisha (77) 370, 371; (80) 208; AMT April 87
Bliss, Frank (83) 192
Bluefarb, Sam (Ad.) 404
"Blue Jay Yarn" (see "Jim Baker's Blue Jay Yarn.")
"Blue Laws" (79) 221
Blues, Thomas (Ad.) 403
Bohemian Club, the (81) 164
Boer War (77) 342, 352
Bolton, Sarah H. (79) 182 
Bolton, Theodore (77) 356
Bonazzi, Robert  (Ad.) 403
Booth, Edwin (78) 183; (83) 174
Borderline (English magazine) (78) 167
Boston Evening Daily Tribune CIRC Sept. 88, 3
Bowen, James (Ad.) 402
Bowen, Will (also see Hannibal, Mo.) (81) 175
Boxer Rebellion (79) 248
Bradford, Gamaliel (79) 209
Bradley, A. F. (77) 334
Branch, Edgar M. (77) 353; (78) 190, 193, 195, 196, 197, 198; (79) 258;
     (80) 207; (81) 189; (83) 195, 212; (Ad.) 399; CIRC  Nov. 87, p. 3,
     Nov. 88 pp. 1-2
Brann, William Cooper (82) 37
Brashear, Minnie M. (80) 191
Bray, Robert (Ad.) 405
Briden, Earl F. AMT March 88
Bridgemam, L. J. (77) 334
Bridgeman, Richard AMT Aug. 87, Sept. 87, Dec. 87
Britton, Wesley CIRC Aug. 87, pp. 1-2
Brodwin, Stanley AMT April 87
Brogan, Howard (Ad.) 406
Brooks, Charles S. (79) 199
Brooks, Van Wyck (77) 347, 350, 368, 371, 386, 404, 409; (78) 180, 187;
     (79) 189, 193, 202, 203, 206, 212, 224, 227, 232; (80) 181,186,
     189; (82) 12-13, 20
Brown, Carolyn AMT Oct. 87
Brown, Dr. John (77) 334
Browne, Charles Ferrar (see Ward, Artemus)
Browne, John Ross (77) 335, 345; (79) 239
Brownell, Louise AMT April 87
Browning, Robert (77) 401; (78) 179; (79) 180, 261
"Buck Fanshaw's Funeral" (81) 191
Buckley, William (77) 361
Budd, Louis J. (77) 331, 348, 364, 396, 409; (78) 205; (79) 269, 270;
     (80) 216; (82) 32, 190; (83) 196, 213; (Ad.) 402; AMT Feb. 87,
     April 87, June 87, Jan. 88, March 88, Sept. 88; CIRC Sept. 87, pp.
Buffalo Express (77) 373; (79) 209, 210, 227, 248
Buffalo, NY (80) 200
Bungert, Hans (Ad.) 399
Bunner, Henry Cuyler (77) 331; (80) 183
Burg, David F. (Ad.) 406
Burke, Billie (80) 194
(Burlesque) Autobiography (77) 334; (78) 161
Burlingame, C. Charles (79) 218
Burlingame, Edward (80) 169
Burlingame, Rodger (79) 210
Burns, Phillip AMT Sept. 88
Burrison, John (Ad.) 401
Burton, Richard (79) 188, 197; (83) 175
Butler, Francella (77) 366

Cabell, James Branch (81) 179
Cable, George W. (77) 342, 344, 359, 365, 383, 384, 407; (78) 173, 193; 
     79) 196, 217, 234, 245, 261, 268; (80) 170, 171, 177, 183, 191;
     (81) 189; (82) 15, 24; (83) 173; CIRC Sept. 87, pp. 1-2
Cady, Edwin (77) 348; (79) 224; (Ad.) 398
Caldwell, Erskine (80) 213
California (see San Francisco, Nevada, Roughing It) (81) 173; (82) 34;
     CIRC March 88, pp. 1-2
Calisch, Richard AMT Sept. 88
Calvinism (80) 214
Campbell, Walter (Ad.) 398
Canby, Henry  S. (77) 34l; (79) 211
Cannon, Joseph G. (79) 196; (83) 173
Capouya, Emile (77) 356
"Captain Jim" (see Townsend, "Lying Jim")
Captain Stormfield's Visit to Heaven (77) 406; (78) 175, 176; (79) 263;
     (82) 36, 38
Cardwell, Guy A. (Ad.) 404; AMT July 87 (several mentions)
Carkeet, David AMT April 87
Carnegie, Andrew (79) 206; (83) 166; (Ad.) 402
Carnegie, Dale (78) 188
Carpenter, John R. (82) 30
Carpet-Bag, The (79) 209; (80) 181
Carpetbagger, The (77) 374
Carroll, Lewis (77) 345
"Carson Fossil Footprints" CIRC  July 88, pp. 1-3
Cate, Hollis (Ad.) 405
Cather, Willa (77) 394; (83) 184
cats (as subject in MT's fiction; also see animals) (79) 192; (81) 170,
"Celebrated Jumping Frog" (77) 385, 386; (78) 190; (79) 189, 225, 242,
     256; (80) 173, 184, 213; (82) 6, 33, 38; CIRC Nov. 87, pp. 2, 3
Cervantes, Miguel de (81) 189
Cestre, Charles (79) 203
Ceylon (79) 224
Chamberlain, Thomas G. (83) 180
change as theme in MT's works (79) 264
Chatto, Andrew (79) 261, 267; (80) 212; (Ad.) 401, 402, 405
"Cheiro" (Louis Hamon) (78) 169; (81) 169, 172
Chelidze, V. (Ad.) 404
Chesterson, G. K. (77) 338; (79) 216, 220; (83) 174
Chicago, Illinois (80) 173; (82) 27
China (79) 270; (80) 174; (83) 192
Chinese criticism of MT (79) 248, 256; (Ad.) 406
Choate, Joseph H. (79) 196; (83) 173
Choate, Rufus (83) 170
Christian Science (see also Eddy, Mary Baker); (78) 173, 174, 182; (79)
     186, 192, 262, 273; (80) 191; (81) 166; (82) 11
Christmas (in Hartford) (81) 188
"Chronicle of Young Satan" (see a1so MS) (79) 273
Churchill, Winston (77) 352; (81) 191
Chukovsky, Kornei (Ad.) 404
Cincinnati, Ohio (82) 19
Clark, Champ (79) 196, 200; (83) 173
Clark, Dyron H. AMT July 87
Clark, Mary (77) 343
Clemens, Clara (see Samossoud, Clara)
Clemens, Cyril (77) 341, 344-346, 349, 359, 361, 367, 370, 372, 375,
     380, 386, 387; (78) 185, 187, 191, 209, 210, 217; (79) 205, 214-
     216, 220-226, 238; (80) 180-183, 196, 197, 207, 212, 213; (82) 45;
     (83) 178-181, 219; (Ad.) 407
Clemens, James Ross (79) 226; (83) 171, 179, 181; (Ad.) 407
Clemens, Jane Lampton (78) 196; (79) 259, 270; (80) 181; (81) 165; (82)
     29-30, 35, 37; (83) 211, 221; CIRC May 88, p. 2
Clemens, Jean (77) 343; (78) 214; (79) 199, 268, 276; (83) 188
Clemens, John Marshall (78) 195; (79) 233; (80) 181, 187, 212; (82) 4,
     12, 30
Clemens, Katharine (83) 171
Clemens, Mollie (77) 398
Clemens, Olivia (77) 335, 392, 398, 409; (78) 180, 191, 196, 207, 208,
     212, 215; (79) 191, 198, 206, 244, 259, 270, 276; (80) 187, 206,
     208, 209, 216, 217; (81) 191-192; (82) 19, 23, 31, 32, 34, 35; (83)
     181, 188
Clemens, Orion (77) 364, 390, 408; (78) 194, 212, 213; (79) 190, 246-
     247, 265; (80) 199, 208, 218; (82) 4; (83) 176; CIRC May 88
Clemens, Pamela (see Moffett, Pamela)
Clemens, Samuel B. (80) 190, 215
Clemens, Suzy (77) 357, 383, 398; (79) 217-218, 236, 259; (80) 206, 221;
     (83) 179; AMT April 87, July 88
Clemens, Will (78) 164, 166; (79) 186
Cleveland, Grover (78) 180; (79) 214; (80) 181
clothes (as subject by MT) (79) 250-251; (81) 194
Cody, William (Buffalo Bill) (78) 189
Cohen, Edward (Ad.) 405
Cohen, Ralph (Ad.) 399
Cole, Cornelius (81) 172
Coleman, Alexander (79) 241; (Ad.) 404
Collins, Wilkie (82) 12
Collins, William AMT Aug. 87
Colwell, M. Worth (78) 175
Compton, Charles (81) 173
computer analysis (of HF) (77) 356; (80) 197; (Ad.) 400
"Concerning the Jews" (77) 335; (81) 164, 167
Conconi, Chuck AMT Sept. 88
Congo, the (see also Leopold II) (79) 261; (81) 165, 166
Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, A (77) 338, 34l, 348, 357,
     363, 364, 371, 374, 375, 381, 387, 389, 393, 394, 404-406, 408, 
     412; (78) 165, 171, 202, 205, 217; (79) 183, 198, 204, 214, 218,
     228, 230, 233, 239, 240, 244, 249, 257, 258, 259, 260, 266; (80)
     172, 173, 187, 197, 202, 206, 207, 208, 221, 223; (81) 188; (82) 7,
     22, 36, 43, 45; (83) 174, 183, 191, 200, 222; (Ad.) 399, 401, 403,
     405, 406; AMT May, 87, June 87, July 87, Aug. 87, Jan. 88, March
     88, May 88, July, 88
Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (play) (82) 14
Conrad, Joseph (78) 214-215; (79) 204
Contributors Club (78) 208, 211
Cooke, Patrick (77) 335
Cooke, William M. (77) 346
Cooper, James Fenimore (77) 331, 350, 362, 390; (78) 169, 170; (79) 230;
     (80) 203; (82) 17; (83) 215
Copyright Bill of 1904 (79) 200; (80) 178; (82) 10
Cord, Mary Ann (82) 41
Corbett, James J. (80) 176
Cotton, Michelle AMT Sept. 87
Couser, G. Thomas AMT Sept. 88
Covici, Pascal (77) 35l
Cox, James M. (77) 358, 387; (78) 196; (82) 27; (Ad.) 403; AMT   April
Cox, Samuel S. (80) 169
Crane, Stephen (78) 199; (79) 251; AMT July 88
Crane, Susan Langdon (also see Langdon family members; Elmira, NY) (78)
     215; (80) 208, 209; (82) 19, 35
Crisan, Constantin (Ad.) 401
Crofut, William (77) 335
Crowley, John W. (Ad.) 406; AMT Dec. 87
Cummings, Sherwood AMT Sept. 87
"Curious Dream, A" (83) 218
"Curious Experience, A" (82) 8
"Curious Republic of Gondour, The" (79) 260; (81) 176
Curtis, Charley (83) 168
Cutter, Bloodgood H. (78) 165, 207

Daggett, Rollin Mallory (see also Territorial Enterprise) (79) 232; (81)
     163, 164
Daily Bee, San Francisco (79) 219
Daily Tribune, Salt Lake City (see also de Quille, Dan) CIRC June 87, p.
     3; March 88, pp. 1-2, July 88, p. 1
Daily Union, San Francisco (79) 219
Daly, Augustine (79) 203
"Dandy Frightening the Squatter, The" (80) 181, 182, 218; AMT July 88
Darby, Frank (83) 194
Darwin, Charles (see also Social Darwinism) (79) 213
David, Beverly (Ad.) 406; AMT April 87
Davidson, Loren K. (Ad.) 401
Davis, Betty AMT Sept. 88
Davis, Chester (77) 380, 387, 409, 410; (78) 207, 215, 273; (80) 208;
     (82) 34-35
Davis, Curtis C. (Ad.) 398
Davis, Howard (80) 193
Davis, Sam (see also Territorial Enterprise) (77) 330, 345; (78) 183;
     (81) 163
Davis, Sara AMT April 87
Davis, Thadious M. AMT Feb. 87
Dawson, Sir Geoffry Leo Simon (see Glyn, Anthony)
Day, A. Grove (Ad.) 400
Day, Katherine (79) 211
Day, John (80) 194
Dayton, Ohio (79) 269
de Abru¤a, Laura N. AMT Dec. 87
death (as subject by MT) (79) 220, 231, 232, 233, 238, 258; (81) 186,
     191; (83) 207
"Death Disk, The" (81) 178
DeCiccio, Albert C. AMT Sept. 88
"Defense of General Funston, A" (81) 176
Defoe, Daniel (77) 395
Delaney, Paul (Ad.) 406; CIRC Nov. 87, p. 3
De Menil, Alexander (77) 333
Denslow, W. W. (80) 210
Densmore, Gilbert B. (see also GILDED AGE-play) (81) 161
Depew, Chauncey (77) 338, 340; (79) 189
"de Quille, Dan" (William Wright; see also Territorial Enterprise,
     Nevada, literary comedians) (77) 330, 345, 364, 385; (79) 239, 275;
     (81) 163; (82) 31; AMT May, 88, Oct. 88; CIRC March 88, pp. 1-2,
     July 88, pp 1-3
"Derelict, The" (poem by MT) (78) 207
descriptive technique, MT's (83) 197
detective stories (see also "Stolen White Elephant", "Double Barreled
Detective Story", TSD, PW) AMT Aug. 87
"Determinism, Scientific" (see also MS, CY, WIM?, Letters from the
     Earth) (79) 247, 258, 259; (80) 203-204, 214; (81) 186; (83) 202;
     (Ad.) 406
Devil's Race Track, The (80) 222
DeVoto, Bernard (77) 386, 409; (79) 212, 216; (80) 192; (81) 186; CIRC
     Nov. 87, p. 3, Dec. 87, pp. 1-2
Detweiler, Robert  (Ad.) 403
Dewey, Admiral (81) 170
dialect in MT's fiction (79) 258; (80) 218; (81) 184
Dickens, Charles (77) 337, 408; (78) 191, 207; (81) 167, 168; (82) 40
Dix, Eulabee (77) 342
Dmitriev, V. G. (Ad.) 401
Dodderidge, Joseph AMT July 88
"Dog's Tale, A" (78) 173, 209; (79) 228
Dolmetsch, Carl AMT Feb. 87
"Dooley, Mr." (83) 170 (also see Dunne, Finley Peter)
Doughty, Nanelia (Ad.) 401
Dos Passos, John (78) 196
Doten, Alfred (78) 200
double, the (literary motif; also see duality) (81) 174; (82) 16
"Double-Barrelled Detective Story, A" (see also Banks, R. Jeff) (77)
     332, 379; (78) 172; (79) 187; (82) 9, 35
Douglas, Frederick (78) 191
Doyno, Victor (83) 215
dreams in MT's fiction (see also "Curious Dream," "Great Dark," MS) (82)
     21; (83) 219
Dreiser, Theodore (77) 394; (78) 217
Drummond, Henry (78) 170
duality (see double, P&P, PW, Those Extraordinary Twins) (82) 21
Duckett, Margaret CIRC Nov. 87, p. 3
Duke, Charles (Ad.) 406
Duncan, Capt. Charles C. (see also IA, Quaker City) AMT April 87, Sept.
Duncan, John E. AMT April 87, Sept. 88
Dunne, Finley (78) 188 (also see "Dooley, Mr.")
Duram, James C.  (Ad.) 403
Duram, John M. (Ad.) 400
Dutch criticism of MT (83) 206
Dwyer, Richard AMT Sept. 88
Dyer, Herman (78) 165

Early Tales and Sketches (Vol. 1) (80) 207; (82) 34
Eby, Cecil AMT July 88
Eby, E. H. (Ad.) 403
Eddy, Mary Baker (see also Christian Science) (77) 394; (78) 173, 174;
     (82) 10
education (as subject by MT) (80) 184, 189; AMT Nov. 87
Edward VII (Albert Edward, Prince of Wales) (77) 335, 338, 340; (79) 195
Edwards, Jonathan AMT Sept. 88
Egan, Maurice (77) 339
Eggleston, Edward (77) 355, 397
Egri, Peter (Ad.) 398
Eliot, T.S. (78) 203
Elliott, George P. (Ad.) 398
Ellis, Allan B. (Ad.) 400
Ellis, Elmer (78) 188
Ellison, Ralph (77) 353, 358, 373, 405; (81) 183
Elmira, NY (see Langdon family members) (77) 399; (79) 250, 259, 270,
     273; (80) 204, 214, 221; (82) 35, 41-42; (83) 211, 217; AMT Sept.
     87, Jan. 88; CIRC Oct. 87, pp. 1-2
Emberson, Frances Guthrie (Ad.) 397
Emerson, Everett (81) 189, 192; (83) 216; CIRC July 88, p. 3
Emerson, Ralph Waldo (82) 15; (83) 202; AMT July 88
Emrich, Duncan (77) 345
Enang, S.D. (Ad.) 405
"Enchanted Sea-Wilderness, The" (83) 202
Endore, Guy (77) 349
England (see also Oxford, Savage Club) (77) 409; (78) 172, 174, 218;
     (79) 191, 267, 276; (80) 192, 214; (81) 165, 166; (83) 191; (Ad.)
     397, 403
Ensor, Allison (77) 388; (79) 246, 251, 260; (82) 35, 36, 43; (Ad.) 403
Europe and Elsewhere (77) 338; (79) 202, 253
Evans, Albert S. ("Fitz Smythe") (79) 225
Evans, Edwin T. (80) 203
Evans, Elizabeth (Ad.) 408
"Eve's Diary" (78) 173, 192, 196; (82) 10
Ewing, Raymond (82) 30, 31; AMT Nov. 87
"Experience of the McWilliamses with Membranous Coup" (also see
     "McWilliamses and the Burglar Alarm," "Mrs. McWilliams...") (81)
"Extracts from Adam's Diary" (79) 187; (80) 179, 217; (82) 10
extra-sensory perception (ESP) see spiritualism, "Mental Telepathy" 

Fables of Man, Mark Twain's (79) 248, 257
"Facts Concerning the Recent Carnival of Crime in Connecticut" (77) 410;
     (78) 215; (79) 236, 260, 262; (80) 170; (82) 33, 38; (83) 218, 221
Fadiman, Clifton (77) 354, 399
Fairbanks, Mary Mason (see IA, Quaker City) (81) 180; (83) 187
Farmer, Philip Jos‚ AMT July 87
Fatout, Paul (77) 399; (79) 260; CIRC Nov. 87, p. 3
Faulkner, William (77) 353; (79) 238, 253; (80) 201; (83) 182
Favat, F. Andr‚ (Ad.) 400
Felheim, Marvin (Ad.) 397, 402
Fellows, Lawrence (Ad.) 408
Fender, Stephen CIRC Nov. 87, p. 3
"Fenimore Cooper's Literary Offences" (83) 167
Ferber, Edna (78) 217
Ferguson, Delancy (78) 190; (79) 222; (Ad.) 397
Ferguson, Henry (79) 248
Ferguson, Samuel (79) 248
Fetterley, Judith (79) 271
Fick, Thomas AMT May 88
Fiedler, Leslie (77) 349, 361; (78) 204; (79) 226, 251; (82) 24, 31;
     (83) 215; (Ad.) 400
Fischer, Victor AMT May 87
Fishkin, Shelley Fisher AMT July 88
Fitch, George Hamlin (79) 198
Fitch, Thomas (81) 164
Fitzgerald, F. Scott (82) 20
Fitzroy, Sir Almeric (Ad) 397
Following the Equator; More Tramps Abroad (also see India; Australia;
     New Zealand) (77) 338, 392, 395; (78) 170, 215; (79) 185, 186, 233,
     241, 242, 259; (80) 173-174, 206; (81) 170; (82) 8, 35; (83) 168;
     AMT Sept. 88
Foner, Philip (82) 36
food (as subject by MT) (79) 231, 248; (80) 193
Ford, Gerald R. (Ad.) 407
Foerster, Norman (79) 206
"Fortification of Paris, The" (79) 247
"Forty-Three Days in an Open Boat" (see also Hornet, Mitchell, Capt.
     Josiah) (79) 248; (81) 181; (82) 20
France (and French criticism of MT) (also see Paris, France) (78) 184;
     (79) 254, 257; (80) 189; (81) 168; (83) 177
Franklin, Benjamin AMT Sept. 88
Frazer, Laura Hawkins (78) 185; (79) 224
Frear, Walter CIRC June 87, p. 1
Freddi, Giovanni (Ad.) 398
Fredonia, NY (82) 37; (83) 204
Free Thinkers (78) 184
Freeman, Mary E. Wilkins (77) 338; (79) 204
"f.m.c." (free men of color) (81) 189
Freese, Peter (Ad.) 405
Freimarck, Vincent (77) 346
Freud, Sigmund (77) 333, 335, 337, 341; (79) 260; (Ad.) 408; AMT March
     88; CIRC Dec. 88, pp. 2-3
Fried, Martin B. (Ad.) 398
Frohmann, Daniel (80) 190
Frost, Robert (83) 221
Fulton, Robert Lardin (78) 182
Furnas, J. C. AMT March 88
Furniss, Harry (77) 333

Gabler-Hover, Janet A. AMT Jan. 88
Gabrilowitsch, Clara Clemens (see Samossoud, Clara Clemens)
Gabrilowitsch, Ossip (78) 201, 205, 221; (80) 194; (81) 174; (82) 42;
     (83) 182; AMT April 87
Galbraith, John Kenneth (77) 358
Galligan, Edward L. AMT May 88
Gally, James W. (77) 345
Gardener, Jane AMT July 88
Garfield, James (78) 191 
Garland, Hamlin (77) 338, 394; (79) 253
Gasson, Roy AMT June 87
Gaston, George (Ad.) 405
Gaylin, Willard (Ad.) 408
Geismar, Maxwell (79) 244; (Ad.) 403, 404, 405
Georgia Scenes (80) 203
Gerber, John C. (Ad.) 402; AMT April 87, May 88
German criticism of MT (80) 195-196; AMT Jan. 88
"German Language, The" (78) 191; (79) 213
Gibson, William (77) 400, 410; (78) 201, 217; (79) 228
Gibson, Willis (80) 174
Giddings, Robert AMT May 87
Gidney, James B. (Ad.) 404
Gilded Age, The (see also "Sellers, Col.," and Warner, Charles D.) (77)
     338, 357, 367, 374, 375, 383, 384, 405, 408; (78) 161, 162; (79)
     181, 203, 235, 237, 239, 241, 262, 270; (80) 169, 174, 191, 203;
     (81) 167, 184; (82) 26; (83) 166, 169, 209; (Ad.) 401, 402, 403,
     406; AMT Sept. 87, March 88, July 88
Gilded Age (play) (see also Densmore, Gilbert; Raymond, John T. and
     "Sellers, Col.") (80) 170, 178, 221; (81) 161, 178; (82) 4; AMT
     Sept. 88
Gilder, Joseph (77) 334
Gilder, Richard Watson (77) 368; (82) 43; (83) 178
Gillis, Jim CIRC March 88, pp. 1-2
Gillis, Steve (81) 170-171, 173-174; CIRC March 88, p. 2
Gillis, William (77) 364; (79) 205 
Gilman, Susan AMT July 88, Sept. 88
Gloster, Hugh (79) 218
Glyn, Anthony (Sir Geoffry Leo Simon Dawson) (80) 190
Glyn, Elinor (78) 189; (80) 190
Gohdes, Clarence (77) 364
"Golden Arm, The" (77) 336, 347; (78) 197
Golden Era (77) 412; (83) 211
Goldstone, Herbert (77) 347
"Goodbye" (poem by MT, see "Parting of the Ships")
Goodman, Arthur Jule (77) 330
Goodman, Joseph (see also Nevada, Territorial Enterprise) (77) 331; (78)
     183; (81) 162, 174, 189; (83) 170-171; CIRC July 88, pp. 1-3
Goodwin, C.C. (81) 169
Goodwin, Francis II (79) 238
Goodwin, James (80) 217
Gorki, Maxim (79) 231, 247; (82) 42; AMT Sept. 88
Goto, Akio (Ad.) 402
Goto, Shoji AMT Sept. 88
Graham, J.B. (77) 336
Graham, Mary AMT May 88
Graham, William A. (79) 190
Grahame, Frances (77) 331
Grand, Sarah (79) 275
Grant, Orville (82) 30, 31
Grant, U.S. (77) 368, 372, 378, 393; (78) 173, 202, 212; (80) 174, 181,
     208; (81) 187; (82) 34
Gray, David (77) 373
"Great Dark, The" (see also dreams) (77) 403; (78) 201, 204; (79)
     266;(80) 211; (82) 46; (83) 199-200, 202; AMT May 87
"Great Republic's People Stand" (80) 185
"Great Revolution in Pitcairn, The" (81) 168
Greeley, Horace (83) 203
Green, Martin CIRC Nov. 87, p. 3
Gregory, Ralph (Ad.) 399; (Ad.) 408
Greening, Tabitha Quarles (79) 190
Gribben, Alan (77) 389, 400; (78) 208; (79) 261, 271; (80) 203, 210,
     218, 219; (83) 196, 201, 216; AMT April 87; CIRC Nov. 88, p. 4
Gridley, Reuel C. (77) 386
Griffin, George (77) 397; (78) 193
Grissom, Brad AMT Oct. 87
Gross, Seymour (77) 358
guilt, as subject by MT (82) 27-28
Gunn, George (79) 189
Gwin, Minrose AMT Nov. 87

Hagood, J. Huxley AMT Sept. 87
Haldeman-Julius, Emanuel (78) 182; (81) 176
Halley's Comet (82) 30, 42
Halsey, Francis (77) 333
Hammond, Edward P. (77) 401; (78) 208
Hammond, John Hays (77) 342, 344
Hamon, Louis (see "Cheiro")
Hamsun, Knut (Ad.) 398
Hannibal, Mo. (77) 372, 376, 377, 402, 408; (79) 185, 210, 224, 237,
     268, 270; (80) 176, 182, 184, 186, 190, 196, 203, 210, 222; (81)
     171, 173, 175, 177, 179; (82) 30; (83) 168, 182, 191, 193-194;
     (Ad.) 408; AMT Sept. 87, Sept. 88
Hansen, Chadwick (Ad.) 405; AMT July 88
Hanscon, Leslie (77) 351
Hardy, Thomas (79) 247; (Ad.) 406
Hare, Augustus (77) 332
Harnsberger, Caroline T. AMT April 87
Harper and Bros. Publishers (80) 176
Harper, J. Henry (see also Harper and Bros.) (80) 180
Harris, Joel Chandler (77) 336, 347, 401, 410; (78) 197; (89) 207; (81)
     189; (82) 15, 33, 36; (Ad.) 401; AMT Sept. 88
Harris, Julia (77) 336
Harris, Susan K. (83) 201
Hart, James D. (Ad.) 402
Harte, Bret (see also AH SIN) (77) 345, 378; (78) 167, 179, 186, 212;
     (79) 180, 189, 198, 203, 251, 253; (81) 162, 164, 165, 167; (82)
     12, 43; (83) 166, 174; AMT Sept. 88; CIRC Nov. 87, p. 3
Hartford, Conn. (79) 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 255; (80) 192, 203, 205,
     206, 211, 221; (81) 187, 191-192; (82) 4-5; (83) 188, 202, 208; AMT
     April 87, Sept. 88, CIRC July 87, p. 3
Harvey, George (77) 336; (78) 175, 184; (79) 188, 202
Hauck, Richard  (Ad.) 403
Hawaii (see Sandwich Islands) 
Haweis, H.R. (80) 170
Hawes, Baldwin (see Cable, George W.) (79) 217
Hawes, Helen Chesney (79) 276
Hawthorne, Nathaniel (see also Scarlet Letter) (79) 276
Hay, John Miton (77) 334, 339, 401; (79) 189; (83) 188
Hayes, Rutherford B. (78) 203
Hazuka, Tom AMT Nov. 87
Heath, William AMT Sept. 88
Heaton, Henniker (78) 178
Hebrew criticism of MT (79) 252
Heim, David AMT March 88
Heller, Joseph (77) 382
Heller, Otto (80) 182
Hemingway, Ernest (77) 384; (79) 229,243, 265; (80) 201, 202; (82) 23;
     (Ad.) 404
Henderson, Archibald (79) 193; (80) 197
Henderson, Harry (Ad.) 406
Henley, E.J. (77) 331
Hentoff, Nat AMT March 88
Herald, New York (benefit fund for MT) (80) 173
Hicks, Grenville (77) 354
Higginson, Thomas W. (82) 12
Hill, Hamlin (77) 389, 402; (78) 214; (82) 36-37; (83) 201; (Ad.)  399,
     400, 405, 406; CIRC Nov. 87, p. 3
Hillier, Alfred P. (77) 331
Hingston, Edward P. (79) 180, 274
Hirst, Robert H. (80) 207, 215
history (in MT's fiction) (80) 195; (82) 25
Hoffman, Frederick J. (Ad.) 398
Holbrook, Hal (77) 349, 350, 358, 387, 412; (79) 227, 233
Holliday, Widow (81) 175
Holmes, Oliver Wendell (77) 366; (79) 190, 215
Holmes, Sherlock (see Double-Barreled Detective Story)
Holt, Henry (79) 200, 201; (80) 178
Holthausen, F. (Ad.) 397
Hong, Ronald W. AMT July 88
Hood, Tom (77) 330; (79) 194, 260-261; (80) 220; (81) 172
Hooper, Johnson J. (77) 352
Hopelessly Lost (film of HF) (83) 187
Hornet (clipper ship--see also "43 Days in An Open Boat," Mitchell,
     Capt. Josiah, Sandwich Islands) (79) 248; (81) 181; (82) 20
"Horse's Tale, A" (79) 191; (82) 10
Horsford, M. Gibson (77) 350
Hotton, John Camden (78) 161; (79) 260-261
Howard, Leon (Ad.) 399
Howe, E.W. (80) 180
Howe, Julia Ward (80) 176; (82) 12
Howells, William Dean (77) 352, 358, 362, 390, 392, 397, 403, 406; (78)
     171, 175, 193, 212; (79) 181, 187, 189, 190, 194, 196, 198, 203,
     204, 206, 224, 252, 262; (80) 172, 187, 189; (81) 184; (82) 166;
     (83) 170, 173, 174, 188; (Ad.) 406; AMT Sept. 88
Howland, Robert Muir and Louise (77) 408
"How Nancy Jackson Married Kate Wilson" AMT March 87
"How to Make History Dates Stick" (79) 209
How to Tell a Story, and Other Essays (78) 169; (79) 206
Hoy, James F. (Ad.) 407
Hsu, C. Y. (Ad.) 406
Hubbell, Jay (77) 347
Huckleberry Finn, Adventures of (77) 330, 333, 337, 338, 342, 348,
     349-350, 352-360, 365-368, 370, 371, 373, 375-378, 381, 390, 391,
     394-398, 404, 406, 407, 410, 411; (78) 164, 182, 185, 188, 190,
     194, 196, 198, 199-201, 204, 205, 208, 210, 212, 216, 217; (79)
     180, 187, 188, 211, 213, 218, 221, 222-223, 226, 228-233, 235-244,
     251-254, 256-258, 262, 263, 265, 266, 268, 269, 272, 274, 276; (80)
     172, 173, 187, 191-193, 196, 198, 202, 203, 207, 209, 210, 212,
     214, 221, 223, 224; (81) 179, 180, 182, 183, 185-187, 189-191, 193-
     194; (82) 17-20, 22-29, 33, 40, 42-44; (83) 167, 181, 187; (83)
     193, 194, 199, 200-209, 212-217, 220- 222; (Ad.) 398, 399, 400,
     401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408; AMT Feb. 87, May 87, June
     87,July 87,Aug. 87, Sept. 87, Oct. 87, Nov. 87, Dec. 87, Jan. 88,
     March 88, May 88, July 88, Sept. 88; CIRC Sept. 88, pp. 3-4
Huckleberry Finn (plays) (80) 181
Huckleberry Finn (movie versions, see also Hopelessly Lost) (79) 256;
     (80) 194-195, 200
Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer Among the Indians (77) 361, 398; (79) 244
Huckleberry Finn (as character by other writers) (80) 184, 200; CIRC
     Nov. 88, p. 4
Hughes, Langston (Ad.) 398
Hungary, MT's visit (83) 203
"Hunting for H---" (sketch by MT) (83) 196
Hutton, Laurence and Eleanor (77) 334, 336; (80) 172, 203, 205; (83)
Hyslop, James H. (81) 170

Idler, The (79) 184, 194
"Incredible Rocky Mountain Race, The" (79) 253
"In Defence of Harriet Shelley" (83) 167
India (also see Following the Equator). (77) 395; (78) 209; (79) 180,
     184, 221, 231, 233, 234, 241, 242, 264, 270; (80) 205, 206; (81)
     183, 186; (83) 166: (Ad.) 402 
Indians, American (as subject by MT) (79) 263, 265; (81) 192-193; CIRC
     Nov. 87, p. 3
Inge, M. Thomas AMT Feb. 87
Ingersoll, Robert G. (77) 354, 406; (80) 179
Innocents Abroad (see also Quaker City, Fairbanks, Mary; Alta, San
     Francisco) (77) 332, 333, 335, 338, 359, 362, 376-378, 382, 412:
     (78) 165, 187, 190, 210; (79) 180, 205, 222, 237, 260, 271; (80)
     169, 172, 193, 201, 202, 215, 221; (81) 161; (82) 39; (83) 192,
     200, 206, 221; (Ad.) 399, 400, 403; AMT April 87, July 87, July 88,
     Sept. 88
In Purgatory (play by MT) (81) 178
"International Lightning Trust, The" (81) 188
International Mark Twain Society (83) 178
"Invalid's Story, The" (82) 37
Irving, Sir Henry (77) 338, 340
Irving, Washington (80) 222
Irwin, W. R. AMT March 88
Isler, Carl (Ad.) 408
Is Shakespeare Dead? (78) 176; (79) 194, 197, 205; (81) 181; (82) 11;
     (83) 179; AMT July 88
Italian criticism of Twain (79) 249
Italy (82) 10, 11
"Jackass Hill" (see Gi11is brothers) (80) 179
Jackson, Robert (83) 186
James, Henry (77) 360, 390; (79) 257; (81) 185; (Ad.) 402; AMT July 88
Janssen, Dale AMT Oct. 87
Japanese translations, criticism of MT (79) 268; (81) 193; (82) 20; (83)
     207; AMT March 88, Sept. 88; CIRC July 87, p. 1
Jefferson, Douglas (Ad.) 404
Jefferson, Joseph (82) 43
Jerome, Jerome K. (77) 340, 342
Jessop, George H. (80) 172
"Jim Baker's Blue Jay Yarn" (78) 202; (79) 250; AMT Sept. 88; CIRC Sept.
     87, pp. 1-2
"Jim Smiley and his Jumping Frog" (see "Celebrated Jumping Frog")
"Jim Wolf and the Cats" (see also cats) (79) 194; (80) 207
Joan of Arc (see Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc)
John H. Dickey (steamboat, see also steamboats) (83) 183
Johnson, Lyndon B. (Ad.) 407
Johnston, Richard Malcolm (77) 352
Jones, Howard Mumford (79) 224; (Ad.) 398; CIRC Nov. 87, p. 3
Jordon, Elizabeth (82) 14
Joyce, James (77) 349
Jubilee Singers (77) 330; (Ad.) 407
Justus, James (Ad.) 403

Kahn, Sholom (78) 216; (79) 242, 248, 262; (81) 180, 193; AMT Nov. 87
Kamei, Shunsuke (Ad.) 406
Kaplan, Justin (77) 358, 371, 375; (78) 204; (79) 234, 272; (80) 211;
     (Ad.) 400, 405; AMT Sept. 87
Kapoor, S. D. AMT March 88
Karita, Motoji (Ad.) 405
Kaufmann, David AMT Nov. 87
Kaun, Alexander (77) 343; (79) 207
Keetch, Brent (Ad.) 408
Keller, Helen (also see Macy, Anne Sullivan) (77) 34l, 347: (80) 203,
Kemble, W.  (77) 330
Kemble, Edward W. (80) 210; (82) 36; (Ad.) 408
Kennedy, John F. (77) 359, 370
Keokuk, Iowa (see also Clemens, Orion, "The War Prayer") (79) 270; (82)
Kerr, Orpheus C. (see also literary comedians) (77) 406
Kesey, Ken (79) 276
Kesteley, James L. AMT July 88
Kestersen, David (77) 376; (83) 203; (Ad.) 407
Ketterer, David (Ad.) 406; AMT June 87, May 88
"King Leopold's Soliloquy" (see also Congo; Leopold II) (78) 175; (79)
     261; (83) 183
Kipling, Rudyard (77) 331, 362, 370, 391, 401; (78) 174, 192; (79) 186,
     192, 247, 256; (80) 195; (81) 177
Kirst, Sean Peter AMT May 88
Kiskis, Michael J. AMT July 88
Klasg, Phillip (Ad.) 406
Kohli, Raj (Ad.) 402
Kolb, Harold H. (77) 410; AMT April 87, May 88
Korda, Alexander (83) 187
Kordecki, Lesley C. AMT July 88
Krauth, Leland (Ad.) 406; CIRC Nov. 87, p. 3
Kravec, Maureen (Ad.) 408
Kriegel, Leonard (Ad.) 399
Kruse, Horst (83) 195-196

Lambton, Arthur (79) 202
Lampton, James (81) 172
Landau, Sarah AMT Sept. 88
Landon, Melville (79) 185
Lang, Andrew (78) 165; (79) 182, 183
Lang, H. Jack (Ad.) 405
Langdon, Charles Jarvis (77) 342; (78) 201; (80) 217; (82) 35; AMT Jan.
Langdon Home (78) 159
Langdon, Ida (78) 191, 193
Langdon, Jarvis (77) 342, 359; (78) 210; (83) 211
Langdon, Olivia L. (mother to Olivia Clemens) (82) 35
Lanning, George (77) 344
Lanina, T. (Ad.) 403
Lauber, John AMT Sept. 88
Lauritzen, Henry (78) 196
Leacock, Stephen (77) 338, 364; (79) 215
Leary, Katy (77) 389; (79) 231, 268
Leary, Lewis (77) 391; (79) 229, 242; (Ad.) 402, 404
Leavis, F. R.  (77) 348
Lee, Elizabeth (77) 336
Lee, Francis "Lightfoot" (77) 396; (79) 218-219
Lee, Harper (77) 372
Lee, L. L. (Ad.) 406
Lefcourt, Charles (Ad.) 401
Legman, G. (Ad.) 408
Leighton, Lauren AMT Oct. 87
Leisy, Ernest Erwin (79) 206
LeMaster, J. R. AMT June 87
Lennon, Nigey CIRC Nov. 87, p. 3
Leopold II (Emperor of Belgium) (see also Congo, "King Leopolds's
     Solioquy")(79) 231; (81) 165
Letters from the Earth (77) 353, 354, 355, 382, 411; (79) 258
Letters of Mark Twain, The (77) 337,   
Libman, Z. (Ad.) 404
Library of Humor, Mark Twain's (77) 364; (78) 199; (83) 170
Life on the Mississippi (see also Old Times on the Miss.; Bixby, Horace;
     steamboats)  (77) 338, 342, 346, 348, 368, 378, 391, 396, 409, 410,
     412; (79) 206, 210, 216, 219, 225, 232, 244, 255, 262, 270, 274;
     (80) 186, 198, 199; (81) 167, 188; (82) 45; (83) 190, 195, 204,
     217; (Ad.) 398, 399, 400, 404-405; AMT April 87, March 88
Life on the Mississippi (PBS movie) (80) 215, 223; (83) 189
Lincoln, Abraham (77) 380; (79) 251
Lindeman, Jack (Ad.) 401
Lindley, Elizabeth (79) 196
Lindsey, Vachel (77) 394
Lingenfelter, Richard E. AMT Sept. 88
literary comedians (see also Billings, Josh; De Quille, Dan; Kerr,
     Orpheous C.: Nasby, Petroeum V.; Nye, Bi1ll; Wqrd, Artemus; Sloane,
     David E. E.) (83) 203
"Literary Nightmare, A" (see "Punch, Brothers, Punch")
Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come (79) 189
Livingston, James L. (Ad.) 406
Loomis, Charles Battell (77) 331
Longstreet, Augustus Baldwin (see Georgia Scenes)
Long, E. Hudson AMT June 87
Longtin, Ray C. (77) 365
Lo-Johansson, Ivar (Ad.) 403
Lorch, Fred W. (Ad.) 397
Lotos Club (79) 183; (81) 171
Love, Robertus (80) 199
Love, William De Loss (79) 189
Lovingood, Sut (81) 179
Lowell, James Russell (77) 334
Lucas, Edward Verral (77) 342
Lucy, Sir Henry (77) 337
Lukens, Henry Clay (78) 166
Lyndoe, Edward  (83) 181
Lynn, Kenneth S. (77) 352, 356, 377, 410; (Ad.) 399
Lyon, Isabel (78) 203, 212; (79) 243; (80) 201: (83) 191; AMT April 87

Mabie, Hamilton Wright (79) 189
Machan, Tim AMT Jan. 88
machines (in MT's life) (80) 209, 219
Machlis, Paul AMT June 87
Mack, Effie Mona CIRC Nov. 87, p. 3
Macy, Anne Sullivan (also see Keller, Helen) (77) 34l
Maik, Thomas A. AMT Jan. 88
Malory, Sir Thomas (79) 228, 261
M'Alpine, Frank (80) 172
"Mammoth Cod" (poem by MT) (78) 204, 205; (Ad.) 408; AMT April 87
Manierre, William (Ad.) 406
"Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg, The" (77) 382, 406, 408, 411; (78) 171;
     (79) 186, 245, 273; (80) 205, 221; (81) 184, 188; (82) 9, 15, 33,
     37, 38, 40; (83) 204, 212; (Ad.) 401, 407
"Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg, The" (TV movie) (80) 219; (83) 189
Marks, Barry AMT July 88
Marks, Leo (77) 350
Mark Twain: Beneath the Laughter (TV special) (80) 224
"Mark Twain Club, The" CIRC Sept. 88, p. 1
"Mark Twain Surprised" (Open letter by MT) (82) 5
Marsh, Andrew (also see Territorial Enterprise) (80) 199
Marsh, Andrew J. (77) 374
Marsh, Grant (78) 177
Marshall, Percy (Ad.) 399
Martin, Jay CIRC Feb. 87, pp. 1-2
Martin, Willard (Ad.) 407
Marx, Leo (Ad.) 398; AMT July 88, Sept. 88
Marxist criticism of MT (81) 176
Masons (see freemasonry) (80) 178
Masters, Edgar Lee (77) 345, 394; (79) 200
Matthews, Brander (77) 330, 332, 338; (79) 181, 186, 192; (80) 172, 177,
Maugham, W. Somerset (77) 342
Maulsby, D.L. (77) 331
Mauranges, J. P. (Ad.) 405
Mayo, Frank (77) 331, 338
McBride, William M. AMT Aug. 87, March 88
McCall, Samuel (77) 336
McCarry, Charles (Ad.) 404
McClain, Laurence AMT Sept. 88
McDougall, Walt (77) 339; (81) 171
McElrath, Joseph R. (Ad.) 406
McFarland, John M. (82) 19
"McFarlane" (82) 19
McFee, William (77) 338
McIntosh, T. R. AMT Oct. 87
McKelway, St. Clair (79) 189
Mclinn, William (83) 188, 218
McNutt, James C. CIRC Nov. 87, p. 3
McVeagh, Wayne (79) 189
"McWilliamses and the Burglar Alarm" (see also "Experience of the
     McWilliams"; "Mrs. McWilliams...") (81) 191-192
Meisterschaft (play by MT) (81) 178
Mejan, Maurice (79) 269
Meltzer, Milton AMT Aug. 87
Melville, Herman (77) 353, 375, 376, 384, 394; (78) 201; (79) 239, 255;
     (80) 206
Men and Things (83) 170
Mencken, Ada Isaacs (82) 31
Mencken, H.L. (78) 182, 217; (79) 195; (81) 175; (82) 11-12
"Mental Telepathy" (see "telepathy")
Merry Tales (82) 6
Miller, Joaquin (79) 219
Miller, Henry (79) 247; (82) 21
Miller, Perry (77) 360; (79) 226
Millet, Frank (77) 331
"Missouri Press Association" AMT July 88
Mitchell, Captain Josiah (see also Hornet,"43 Days in Open Boat") (79)
     248; (81) 181; (82) 20
Moffett, Pamela (77) 412; (78) 215; (79) 265
Moffett, Samuel (79) 186
"Monday Evening Club of Hartford, Connecticut" (79) 238
"Monkeypod Tree, Mark Twain's" CIRC June 87, pp. 1-3
Moore, Julia (77) 352, 401
Moore, Rayburn (Ad.) 404
More Tramps Abroad (see Following the Equator)
Morley, Christopher (80) 183
Morrow, Patrick AMT Sept. 88
Mormons (77) 382
Morris, Clara (79) 189
Morris, R.E. (79) 185
Morse, Edward S. (77) 330
Morton, J. Sterling (77) 336
Mott, Bertram (Ad.) 407
movies (adaptations of MT works) (79) 256; (82) 17-18; (83) 187, 189
"Mrs. McWilliams and the Lightning" (see also "Experience of the
     McWilliamses"; "McWilliamses and the Burglar Alarm") (81) 184
"mugwumps" (83) 205
Muir, Andrew (77) 347
Mumey, Nolie (79) 207
Murphy, Brenda AMT July 88
music (see also Wagner, Richard) (82) 39
Mussolini, Benito (78) 186
"My Debut as a Literary Person" (79) 248
Mysterious Stranger (77) 348, 354, 355, 379, 392, 394, 398, 400, 411;
     (78) 215, 216; (79) 201, 226, 232, 239, 240, 242, 249-252, 258,
     262, 271, 272; (80) 206; (81) 188, 192, 193; (82) 20, 21, 24, 26,
     38, 45; (83) 199, 220; (Ad.) 399, 406, 407; AMT June 87; CIRC Dec.
     87, p. 2

Nakahara, Rie AMT March 88
Nasby, Petroleum V. (see also literary comedians) (77) 406; (79) 180
Nast, Thomas (78) 173, 204; (79) 245; (80) 176
"National Editorial Association" AMT July 87
Macnaughton, William R. (79) 273
"Negro, the" (as subject in fiction) (80) 186, 192
Neider, Charles (77) 411; (78) 207; (79) 255; (80) 195; (83) 206; (Ad.)
     399; AMT April 87, June 87
Nelson, Lawrence (77) 343
Nevada (also see Territorial Enterprise, DeQuille, Dan, Stewart, 
     William) (77) 400; (78) 190, 195, 200; (79) 193, 194, 196, 207,
     217, 239, 274, 275; (80) 199, 220; (81) 170-171; (82) 34; (83) 191,
     212; AMT May 88; CIRC Nov. 87, p. 3
Nevius, Blake (Ad.) 398
Newcomb, Simon (82) 34
New Hampshire (83) 186
New Zealand (see also Following the Equator) (78) 215; (79) 259; (81)
Nicoll, Sir Robertson (81) 169
Nichols, Charles S.  (77) 352
Nicholson, Meredith (77) 338
Nicholson, William (79) 187
Nigro, August J. AMT June 87
Nilson, Alleen Page AMT Sept. 88
Nilson, Don AMT Sept. 88
Nixon, Richard (77) 367, 377, 408
Nock, S. A (77) 349
"Nook Farm" (see also Hartford, Conn.) (79) 225, 251; (80) 192; (Ad.) 
Norris, Frank (78) 173
"Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" (see "Celebrated Jumping
No. 44, The Mysterious Stranger (see Mysterious Stranger)
Nunnally, Frances (78) 200
Nye, Bill (Edgar Wilson Nye; see also literary comedians) (78) 183; (81)

O'Connor, T.P. (81) 166
Odessky, Marjory H. (Ad.) 402
O'Higgins, Harvey (80) 178
Ohio, MT in AMT May 88
Okubo, Hiroshi AMT March 88; Sept. 88
Old Times on the Mississippi (also see LOM) (77) 385, 408; (79) 223,
     258; (82) 20-21, 28; (83) 217; (Ad.) 407; AMT Sept. 88
Onanism (Ad.) 408; AMT April 87
1,000,000 Bank-Note and Other Stories (also see American Claimant) (78)
     166, 211; (82) 8, 33, 38
Orcutt, William Dean (77) 342, 343
O'Rell, Max (77) 333
Orlova, R. (Ad.) 404
100th Centennial of MT's birth (81) 173
Orwell, George (77) 362
Osgood, James (77) 366; (Ad.) 404
osteopathy (81) 190
"Our Fellow Savages of the Sandwich Islands" (lecture) (81) 161
Overland Monthly AMT July 88
Overland, Orm (Ad.) 404
"Overrated Book, The" (78) 208
Owens, Albert (77) 350
Owsley, William (82) 30
Oxford (see also England) (80) 179; (81) 166

Pacific Commercial Advertiser CIRC June 87, p. 1
Paderewski, Ignace (83) 178
Paige Typesetter (77) 371; (78) 196, 204, 218; (80) 209; (83) 172
Paine, Albert Bigelow (77) 336-39, 384, 392, 393, 404, 409; (78) 173,
     176, 178, 194, 208; (79) 195, 196, 201, 211, 253; (80) 175, 176,
     193; (81) 186; (82) 27; (83) 173, 175; (Ad.) 406; CIRC May 88, p. 1
Paris, France (see also France) (80) 203
Park, Edwin (79) 273
Parkman, Francis (77) 366
Parks, Edd Winfield (79) 212
Parsons, Coleman (77) 411
"Parting of the Ships, The" (poem by MT) (79) 195
patents (as subject) (79) 201
Paul, Roman (Ad.) 397
Pauly, Thomas (Ad.) 407
Paxon, Katherine (77) 383
Pearce, Roy Harvey (Ad.) 398
Pellowe, William S. (80) 197
Pennington, James  W. C. (82) 29
Pennsylvania (steamboat; see also steamboats) (83) 212
Perry, Thomas S. (80) 189
Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc  (77) 331, 333, 338, 339, 342,
     345, 347, 389, 398, 406; (78) 168-69, 177, 204; (79) 184, 202, 
     203, 240, 241, 256-57, 267; (80) 181, 187-88, 210, 222; (82) 7, 8,
     13. 44; (83) 167
"Petrified Man, The" (78) 204
Phelps, William Lyon (79) 191, 195
Phelps, William Walter (78) 170
Phillipines (77) 388
Phoenix, John CIRC Nov. 87, p. 2
Picard, Heloise (80) 194
Pierce, Edward (83) 168
Pierce, Grace (77) 348
Pike, Gustavus D. (77) 330
Pinsker, Sanford AMT July 88
plays by MT (see also Gilded Age; Ah Sin; Simon Wheeler; Meisterschaft;
     In Purgatory) (81) 178; (82) 17-18
Plessner, Monika (Ad.) 402
Poe, Edgar Allan (79) 193; (82) 37; AMT Dec. 87
Pollock, Channing (80) 187
Pond, James B. (78) 170; (79) 186; (80) 170, 174, 177
Pope John Paul I (79) 262
Pott, James (77) 333
Potter, Edmund (77) 380; AMT Sept. 88
Pribek, Thomas AMT July 88
Priestly, J.B. (77) 352
Prince and the Pauper, The (77) 338, 341, 348, 353, 356, 405, 406, 410;
     (78) 163, 217; (79) 183, 197, 207, 217, 230, 232, 236, 240, 267;
     (80) 208, 210; (81) 174, 186; (83) 191, 199; AMT July 87, July 88
Prince and the Pauper (play) (81) 178
Prince and the Pauper (movie) (79) 254
printer (MT as; see also Hannibal) (83) 193
"Private History of a Campaign That Failed" (83) 185; (Ad.) 401
"Private History of the `Jumping Frog' Story" (see "Celebrated Jumping
Pudd'nhead Wilson (also see Those Extraordinary Twins) (77) 331, 338,
     346-49, 353, 357-59, 364, 383, 388, 395, 402, 405, 406; (78) 167,
     187, 191, 201, 202, 205, 210, 214, 216; (79) 184, 204, 218, 229,
     236, 237, 246, 249, 256, 257-58, 264, 275; (80) 202, 205, 206, 209,
     220, 222; (81) 169, 174, 186, 194; (82) 6, 7, 19, 22, 29, 39; (83)
     185-86, 189; (83) 197, 209, 213; (Ad.) 398, 401, 405; AMT May 87,
     Aug. 87, Sept. 87, March 88, July 88
Pudd'nhead Wilson (play) (80) 193; (82) 14-15
Pullen, John J. CIRC Nov. 87, p. 3
"Punch, Brothers, Punch" (78) 206; (79) 181, 201

Quaife, M.M. (79) 219
Quaker City, The (see also IA, ALTA, Fairbanks, Mary) (81) 180; (83)
     221; April 87, Sept. 88
Quarles, John A. (78) 197; (79) 228
Quarry Farm (see Elmira, NY)
Quercus, P.E.G. (77) 343
Quick, Dorothy (79) 213
Quincy, Illinois (79) 270
Quirk, Thomas AMT Dec. 87

racism (82) 36; AMT July 88
Radical Club (77) 330
Railton, Steven AMT Aug. 87 
Raimo, John (80) 212
Ramsey, Robert L. (Ad.) 397
Rank, Otto (82) 16; (Ad.) 403
Rao, B.R.  (Ad.) 402
Ray, David (77) 353
Raymond, John T. (see also Gilded Age (play) and Sellers, Col.) (80)
     170, 171
Read, Opie (79) 207; (80) 216; (81) 189; (83) 174
Redding, Connecticut (see "Stormfield")
Redpath, James (78) 210; (80) 174
Reed, Thomas (77) 336; (79) 189; (82) 10
Reid, Capt. Mayne (81) 171
Reiss, Edmund (Ad.) 399
Regan, Robert (77) 405
religion (also see BIBLE, Calvinism) (79) 267; (80) 177, 197, 198; (82)
     18; (Ad.) 400
Renza, Louis A. AMT Dec. 87
Rest, Jaime (Ad.) 401
Rice, Alice Hegan (82) 43
Rice, Clarence (77) 383
Richards, David AMT Sept. 88 
Richardson, Thomas AMT July 88
Richmond, Marion AMT Jan. 88
Ridge, W. Pett (Ad) 397
Rigas, Thomas AMT Jan. 88
Rigaux, Jacques (Ad.) 403
Rising, Franklin Samuel (77) 347; (78) 165; (83) 203
rituals, social (83) 197, 216
Roberts, Elizabeth Madox (79) 256
Robertson, John Ross (79) 252
Robinson, Douglas AMT June 87
Robinson, Fred C. (79) 242
Robinson, Forrest G. AMT May 87, July 88; CIRC Nov. 87, p. 3
Robinson, Henry C. (79) 238
Robinson, Virginia (Ad.) 403
Robinson, William (77) 377
Rocha, Guy Louis CIRC Nov. 87, p. 3
Rockefeller, Nelson (79) 274
Rodgers, Paul C. CIRC Nov. 87, p. 3
Roemer, Kenneth (Ad.) 405
Rogers, Franklin (78) 197; (Ad.) 404
Rogers, Henry H. (77) 331, 336, 340, 365, 383, 391, 402; (78) 178, 180,
     184, 189; (79) 189, 190, 205, 242; (80) 194; (82) 10, 38-39; (83)
     186; (Ad.) 402, 404
Rogers, Mary (79) 268
Rogers, W. A. (77) 338
Rogers, Will (79) 210
Rohde, Regitze (Ad.) 407
Romm, A.C. (Ad.) 398
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (78) 186; (80) 181
Roosevelt, Theodore (79) 226; (80) 181; (81) 170
Rosen, Robert C. AMT May 88
Ross, Janet (77) 336
Roth, Samuel (77) 339
Roughing It (see also Indians as subject, Nevada, California,
     Territorial Enterprise, San Francisco) (77) 334, 338, 356, 371,
     377, 385, 386, 390; (78) 212, 213; (79) 203, 209, 244, 245, 249-51,
     257, 276; (80) 208, 215; (81) 191; (82) 18, 27, 36-37; (83) 170,
     217; (Ad.) 397, 403, 404, 407; AMT July 87, Oct. 87, July 88, Sept
     88; CIRC Nov. 87, p. 3, March 88, p. 1
Rourke, Constance (79) 218
Rowlette, Robert CIRC Nov. 87, p. 3
Rubin, Louis (77) 355, 378, 392, 393; (82) 28; (Ad.) 399; AMT June 87
Russia (and Russian criticism of MT) (80) 176, 194, 195; (Ad.) 403
Routledge, George (77) 330
Rutherford, Mildred (78) 167

St. Louis, Mo. (also see Hannibal, Mo.) (79) 235; (80) 199; (83) 179
Saint-Pierre, Marcel (Ad.) 397
Salinger, J.D. (77) 353, 362, 397; (78) 204; (79) 276; (80) 198; (81)
     182; (Ad.) 405
Salt Lake City, Utah (see Daily Tribune)
Samarin, R. (77) 345
Samossoud, Clara Clemens Gabrilowitsch (77) 350, 390, 392, 397; (78)
     185, 187, 193, 216; (79) 192, 201, 221, 271; (80) 182, 187, 191,
     194, 195, 203, 208, 217; (81) 180, 186; (82) 38; (83) 188, 203; 
     (Ad.) 406; AMT April 87; CIRC Feb. 87, pp. 2-3, May 87, p. 1 
Samossoud, Jacques  AMT April 87
Sanborn, John E. (82) 32
Sandburg, Carl (77) 344, 394
Sandwich Islands (see also "Our Fellow Savages," Hornet, "43 Days in an
     Open Boat") (78) 181; (79) 207, 248, 250; (81) 181, 190; (82) 32;
     (83) 175, 2034; (Ad.) 400; CIRC June 87, pp. 1-3
San Francisco (see also California, Daily Bee, Daily Union) (77) 391;
     (79) 225; (81) 170-71; (83) 183;  AMT Sept.88 CIRC Nov. 87, p. 3,
     Nov 8, p. 4
San Franciscan, The (magazine) CIRC July 88, pp. 1-3 
Santayana, George (77) 346; (79) 236
Sargent, Mrs. John T. (77) 330
Sargent, Mark L. AMT Jan. 88
Sattelmeyer, Robert AMT March 87, May 87; CIRC Nov 88, p. 4
Saunders, Mary Ann ("Tip") (82) 43
Savage Club (78) 174, 175, 176; (80) 188, 189; (81) 166
Sawey, Orlan (Ad.) 403
Sawicki, Joseph AMT July 88
Scarlet Letter, The (also see Hawthorne, Nathaniel) (79) 189; (80) 201
Sch„fer, Jrgen (Ad.) 405; (77) 378
Schirer, Thomas AMT Sept 87
Schissinger, Sigmund AMT March 88
Schmidt, Paul CIRC Nov. 87, p. 3
Schmidt-Hidding, Wolfgang (Ad.) 398
Schmitz, Neil AMT July 88; CIRC Nov. 87, p. 3
Schnabel, Artur (83) 182
Schubert, Karl (Ad.) 407
Scott, Harold (79) 206
Scott, Sir Walter (78) 206, 207; (80) 178
Sch”nfelder, Karl-Heinz (Ad.) 397
Sears, Robert R. (77) 406
Seelye, John (78) 199, 203, 212; (80) 201, 222; (83) 208
Seigle, Natalie (83) 220-21
Selby, P.O. (77) 365; (79) 265; (Ad.) 402
Self-Pasting Scrapbook (80) 206
"Sellers, Col." (also see GA, AC) (77) 375, 383, 393; (79) 181, 217,
     235; (80) 206; (81) 172
Sellers, Isaiah (77) 386, 399; (78) 179; (81) 174; (83) 195-96
Sempers, Charles (77) 333
Seranac Lake, New York (83) 188
Seton, Ernest (83) 178
Severance, Solon and Emily (see also Fairbanks, Mary, Quaker City) (81)
     180; (83) 187
Sewell, David R. AMT Sept 87
sexuality in MT's works (79) 263; (80) 209; AMT Sept 88
Shakespeare, William (see also Is Shakespeare Dead?) (77) 343, 401; (79)
     201; (80) 199; AMT May 88, July 88
Shayon, Robert (77) 348
Shaw, George Bernard (78) 185, 186; (79) 247; (80) 213; (81) 184, 185
Shaw, Lord, of Dunfermline (83) 166
Shaw, Mary (77) 331
Shepard, Odell (77) 355
Shepperson, William  (Ad.) 403
Sherman, Stuart P. (80) 173, 180
Sherwood, Robert (82) 13
Shinn, Everett (77) 375; (80) 190
Shrubb, Peter AMT July 88
Shults, Donald (Ad.) 403
Shutt, Randall (Ad.) 408
"Siamese Twins, The" (79) 236
Sielewicz, Bronia (77) 345
Simon, John (Ad.) 400
Simmons, Edward (77) 338
Simon Wheeler, Detective (78) 195; (79) 262; (81) 178
Sinclair, Andrew (Ad.) 401
Sinclair, May (82) 14
Singleton, Ralph H. (82) 15
1601 (77) 339, 354, 355; (79) 189; (80) 195; (83) 207; AMT April 87
Skandera, Laura  CIRC Feb. 87, p. 1-3, May 87 p. 1
Sketches New and Old (78) 212; (79) 205
Skrine, Francis H. (80) 175
Skvorecky, Josef AMT Jan. 88
Sladen, Douglas (79) 198
Sloane, David E.E. (77) 393, 406; (79) 275; (82) 45; (83) 221; AMT Jan.
Smarr, Sam (82) 30
Smith, F. Hopkinson (77) 331
Smith, Henry Nash (77) 348, 354; (79) 225, 235, 266; (80) 207; (Ad.)
     398, 401; AMT April 87, Dec. 87; CIRC Nov. 87, p. 3
Smith, Julie CIRC Nov 88, p. 4
Smith, Laura (Ad.) 405
Snodgrass, Quintus Curtius (79) 270
Snodgrass, Thomas Jefferson (80) 218; (82) 19
Social Darwinism (see also Spencer, Herbert) (79) 235
Society for Psychical Research (see also spiritualism) (79) 182, 229-30;
     (80) 178; (83) 216, 217
"Some Thoughts on the Science of Onanism" (see "Stomach Club")
"Song Composed in a Dream" AMT Oct 87
Soule, George (79) 198-99
South Africa (77) 392, 411; (78) 216
Spector, Robert D. (Ad.) 400
Spencer, Herbert (79) 235
spiritualism (see also Society for Psychical Research) (83) 216, 217
Stahl, John AMT July 88
Stanley, Henry M.(77) 392; (Ad.) 407
Starr, William Ireland (80) 193
steamboats (see also Alexander Scott; Batavia; John H. Dickey;
Pennsylvania) (83) 191, 195
Stedman, Edmund (82) 11
Steed, William T. (78) 167, 183; (80) 173
Stegner, Wallace  (77) 352
Stein, Gertrude (77) 344
Steinbeck, John (77) 382; (79) 254
Steinmann, Anne (77) 350
Sterne, Lawrence (83) 200
Stevens, E. W. (77) 393
Stevenson, Robert Louis (77) 330; (78) 178, 201; (79) 266
Stewart, William Morris (78) 195; (79) 193; (81) 171
Stratton-Porter, Gene (82) 17
"Stirring Times in Austria" (79) 273
Stockton, Frank (77) 333
"Stolen White Elephant, The" (77) 395, 410; (78) 163; (79) 181
"Stormfield" (79) 193; (80) 177, 193
"Story of the Bad Little Boy, The" (81) 188
"Story of the Good Little Boy, The" (81) 188
Stovall, Floyd (79) 215
"Stomach Club, The" (78) 205; (80) 197; (82) 46; (Ad.) 408; AMT April 
Story, Douglas (81) 165
Stowe, Harriet Beecher (77) 359, 387; (78) 169, 170; (79) 189, 234, 251,
Stowe, Lyman Beecher (80) 194
Suvin, Darko AMT May 88
Swanbrow, Diane CIRC May 87, p. 1
Swanson, Mildred (77) 359, 361, 363, 377
Sweden (and Swedish criticism of MT) (78) 214, 220; (79) 239; (Ad.) 403

Talbott, Linda H. (Ad.) 402
Tanner, Tony (Ad.) 399
Tarkington, Booth (77) 338, 397; (79) 204, 222
Taylor, Annie Elizabeth (77) 379; (80) 179
Taylor, Coley (83) 208
Taylor, Eva AMT Jan. 88
Taylor, Howard (81) 174
telepathy (see also spiritualism) (81) 167, 170, 183, 185; (83) 218;
     (Ad.) 407
Tennyson, Alfred Lord (79) 228
Territorial Enterprise (see also De Quille, Dan; Goodman, Joseph; 
     Daggett, Rollin; Davis, Sam; McEwen, Arthur: Ward, Artemus) (77)
     336, 374; (78) 178; (79) 209, 225, 232, 275; (80) 199, 208; (81)
     162, 163-64, 169-70, 174; (82) 33; (83) 211; (Ad.) 398; AMT Oct 87;
     CIRC July 88 p. 1
Terry, Clifford (Ad.) 404
Tesla, Nikola (82) 43
Thaw, Henry K. AMT Sept 88
theater, MT AMT Sept 87
"Third World, the" (80) 206
"30,000 Bequest, The" (79) 273; (82) 38; (83) 205
Thompson, M. Jeff (79) 217
Those Extraordinary Twins (see also PW) (77) 348; (78) 192; (79) 264;
     (82) 22, 29
"Thousand [Million] Pound Note" (film) (83) 187
Thurston, Norman (79) 267
time in MT's novel's (83) 201
Tisdel, Joseph (80) 182
Todd, William (77) 366
Tolstoi, Alexsei Nikolaevich (79) 199
Tomish, John (Ad.) 403
Tom Sawyer, The Adventures of (77) 354, 358, 338, 361, 373, 381, 393,
     396 402, 406, 407, 411; (78) 162; (78) 186, 190, 200, 201, 204,
     211; (79) 189, 194, 205, 211, 217-19, 244-45, 255, 260; (80) 185,
     186, 206, 216; (81) 174-76, 184, 188; (82) 4, 21, 23, 26-29; (83)
     169, 184, 194, 198, 208, 214-15, 219; (Ad.) 398, 400, 401, 403,
     404; AMT Jan. 88, July 88
Tom Sawyer (as character by other authors) (80) 184; (82) 38
Tom Sawyer (movie) (79) 255; (80) 180, 200; (81) 174-75
Tom Sawyer (plays) (79) 242; (80) 183, 191; (83) 168-69
Tom Sawyer Abroad (77) 387, 397, 403; (79) 183, 204, 244; (80) 216-17;
     (83) 215; (Ad.) 408; AMT July 88
Tom Sawyer, Detective (77) 379, 386; (78) 169, 201; (79) 185, 214; (80)
     216-17; (83) 215
"To the Person Sitting in Darkness" (79) 273; (81) 176
Towers, Tom  (Ad.) 403, 407; AMT March 88
Townsend, James ("Lying Jim" aka "Captain Jim") AMT Sept 88; CIRC  July
     88, p. 2
Tozer, Basil (77) 339
Train, George Francis (79) 195
Tramp Abroad, A (77) 332, 337, 338, 343; (78) 162, 190, 207; (79) 243,
     244; (80) 202, 223-24; (82) 5; (83) 169; (Ad.) 400; AMT Sept 87,
     July 88
transcendentalism (also see Emerson, Ralph Waldo) (81) 184
translations (see also language listings) (80) 212-13
Trilling, Lionel (80) 191, 196
Trollope, Anthony (79) 219
"True Story, A" (see also Cord, Mary Ann) (80) 221; (82) 33, 38; (83)
Truman, Harry S. (77) 367; (79) 222
Trumbell, J. Hammond (79) 221
Tuckey, John S. (79) 248; (80) 222; (Ad.) 404; CIRC Nov. 87, pp. 1-2,
     Dec. 87, pp. 1-3
Turner, Arlin (78) 193
Turner, Frederick Jackson (83) 217
Twichell, Joseph (77) 338, 383, 397; (78) 212; (79) 189, 196, 198, 212,
     214; (81) 190; (82) 25; (83) 173, 216
Tyson, A.H. (83) 179

Ukrainian translation and criticism (Ad.) 404
Underhill, C.M. (80) 179, 217
Underhill, Charles S. (80) 179
Underhill, Irving (80) 179
Union Catalog of Clemens Letters AMT June 87

Vagabond, The (79) 189
Van Aken, E.M. (77) 332
Vancura, Z. (Ad.) 399
Vanderbilt, Cornelius (80) 207
Van Der Beets, Richard (Ad.) 402
Virginia City, Nev. (see Nevada)
Van Doren, Carl (80) 187
Van Doren, Mark (79) 206, 209, 218; (80) 185; (82) 29
Van Dyke, Henry (77) 338; (79) 189, 196, 204; (80) 174, 203; (83) 173
Vidal, Gore (80) 201
Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr. (77) 408; (78) 205; (79) 271, 276; AMT March 88

Wadleigh, G.R. (79) 194
Wagenknecht, Edward (79) 212, 216; (80) 186; (Ad.) 399, 400
Wagner, Richard (also see music) (83) 178-79
Wain, John (77) 347
Walker, Franklin CIRC Nov. 87, p. 3
Watkins, Louise A. (83) 173
Waldorf, Mrs. (Lady Astor) (79) 210
Walpole, Hugh (77) 338
"Wapping Alice" (81) 191; AMT Sept 88
Ward, Artemus (also see literary comedians) (77) 365, 393; (78) 176,
     186; (79) 180, 220, 258, 274, 275; (81) 162-63; (82) 31; CIRC Nov.
     87, p. 3
Ward, Edwin (79) 202
Warner, Charles Dudley (see also Gilded Age, The) (77) 362, 370, 374;
     (78) 212; (79) 189, 198, 251; (80) 221; (82) 25; (83) 169, 174
"War Prayer, The" (80) 183
Warren, Robert Penn (79) 267
Warth, Robert D. AMT Sept 88
"Was it Heaven? Or Hell?" (83) 179
Watterson, Henry (79) 196; (83) 173
weather (as subject by MT) (79) 249
"Weaver's Beam, A" (poem by MT) (Ad.) 408
Weaver, Richard (77) 363
Webster, Charles (78) 213
Webster, Samuel Charles (83) 180-81
Wecter, Dixon (79) 219
Weekly Occidental (78) 211; (79) 183
Weeks, Robert (Ad.) 407
Weintraub, Rodelle (Ad.) 407
Wells, Daniel A. AMT July 88
Wells, H.G. (77) 344, 381, 382
Welland, Dennis (77) 368
Werge, Thomas (Ad.) 407
West, Victor Royce (Ad.) 397
West Virginia (Clemens' family genealogy) (79) 233; (81) 183
What Is Man? (77) 341, 349, 398; (78) 199, 201; (79) 248, 252, 258, 259;
     (80) 175; (82) 11-12, 21; (Ad.) 407
"What Paul Bourget Thinks of Us" (81) 168
Whitlock, William Wallace (79) 188
Whirlwind, The (79) 189
White, Stanford  AMT Sept 88 
White, William Allen (77) 338; (79) 204; (81) 175
Whitley, John S. AMT Aug 87
Whitman, Sidney (81) 170
Whitman, Walt (77) 337, 345, 350, 376; (78) 165, 189, 192; (79) 209,
     228-29; (Ad.) 398; AMT Sept 88
"Whittier Birthday Speech" (77) 344, 366; (79) 215, 217; (80) 176, 189;
     (81) 182; (83) 174-75, 188-89; AMT Sept 87
Wholihan, John W. (79) 218-19
Wiggin, Kate Douglas (77) 338; (79) 204; (83) 173, 212
Wight, Laura Wilder (83) 175
Wilcox, Earl (Ad.) 404
Wilder, Marshall P. (81) 162
Wildman, Edwin (77) 332
Wilhelm II (Kaiser) (79) 231
Williams, George AMT Nov. 87, May 88
Williams, Odell (77) 331
Williams, Philip (Ad.) 401
Williams, Stanley T. AMT July 88
Williams, True (80) 208, 210
Williamsport, PA AMT Oct 87
Willoughby, John (Ad.) 400
Wills, Gary (77) 408
Wilson, Edmund (77) 363; (79) 212, 217
Wilson, James D. (Ad.) 407; AMT May 87
Wilson, Woodrow (80) 176
Wolf, Don M.  (77) 348
Wolff, Cynthia (82) 29
women (as subject matter by MT--see also "Mrs. McWilliams") (79) 244-45;
     (80) 201-02, 203, 208; (83) 221
"Wonderful Potato, A" AMT May 88
Wood, M.E. (77) 334
Woolf, S.J. (77) 341
Wolfe, Thomas (Ad.) 408
Wouk, Herman (79) 247
Wright, William (see De Quille, Dan)

"Yankee Story, A" (79) 194
Yates, Edmund (82) 4-5
Yates, Paulene (77) 344
Yoshida, Hiroshige (Ad.) 401

Zall, P.M. AMT April 87
Zangwill, Israel (80) 174, 180-81
Zurier, Melvin (82) 42

Index to the Mark Twain Circular
Vol. 3 (1989)

By Wesley Britton
Paul Quinn College

Using This Index
This index to the Mark Twain Circular, for Volume 3 (1989), updates the
index for Volumes 1 and 2 (1987 and 1988), published in installments in
the  Circular--in combination with an index to various supplements of
Thomas A. Tenney's Mark Twain: A Reference Guide--in issues dated
May-June 1990, October-December 1990, January-March 1991, April-June
1991, and July-September 1991.  Because this index covers only one year,
the format has been simplified and does not follow the system of the
previous index.

Instead of the previous system of volume, issue, and page numbers, each
item is simply listed by its month's initials (for example,
M/A=March-April) followed by the page number on which the item appears.

About Mark Twain
Items listed in the annotated "About Mark Twain" section are indexed as
"AMT," followed by the month's initials and the page number.  (Example:
"Blair, Walter AMT, M/A, 10.")  Both authors and subjects discussed in
each listing are indexed.

     Circular items not indexed below include conference information,
advertisements for Twainiana, and specific discussions of Mark Twain
Circle of America business.  This index is to assist researchers seeking
information on Mark Twain and his contemporaries and any material
relevant to Twain studies published in the Circular.  If a reader is
interested in the Mark Twain Circle of America, he is invited to look
over the "About the Circle" section on the last page of most issues of
the Circular.

Issues of the Circular,
Vol. 3, Jan.-Dec. 1989

Jan.-Feb. (J/F) No. 1-2
March-April (M/A) No. 3-4
(The M/A issue contains a directory of MTC members.)
May-June (M/J) No. 5-6
July-August (J/A) No. 7-8
Sept.-Oct. (S/O) No. 9-10
Nov.-Dec. (N/D) No. 11-12

Index to Vol. 3, 1989

Adventures of Mark Twain (claymation movie) AMT N/D 6
Alexander, Lloyd AMT J/F 6
Allmendinger, Blake AMT N/D 5-6
Arac, Jonathan AMT M/A 7
Arikawa, Shoji AMT M/J 5
Australia AMT J/F 7
Austria J/F 1-2; AMT M/J 8

Baetzhold, Harold AMT M/A 7
Beatty, Janice AMT J/F 6
Beidler, Peter G. N/D 2
Berkove, Lawrence AMT M/A 7
Berret, Anthony AMT M/A 7
Big River (musical of HF) AMT M/J 8; AMT S/O 5, 7, 8 (several mentions);
Blair, Walter AMT M/A 10
Booth, Wayne S/O 3
Branch, Edgar M. AMT M/A 8
Briden, Earl AMT M/A 8 (several mentions)
Budd, Louis J. AMT M/J 5; J/A 1-3; N/D 1
Bullough, Vern L. AMT N/D 6

Cady, Edwin J. AMT M/J 5
Carnegie, Andrew AMT J/A 5
Carrington, Paul D. AMT N/D 6
Chatto and Windus M/J 3
Cheeseman, Elaine AMT M/J 5
Choate, Joseph AMT J/A 5
Clemens, Clara J/A 1-2
Clemens, Henry AMT N/D 5
Clemens, Jean J/A 2
Clemens, Olivia J/F 2; AMT J/F 7; M/J 3; AMT N/D 6
Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, A AMT J/F 6; AMT M/A 8; S/O
2; N/D 2
Conrad, Joseph AMT M/J 7
Covici, Pascal, Jr. N/D 2
Cox, James M. AMT M/J 5
Cummings, Sherwood AMT J/F 6

David, Beverly R. N/D 2
DeQuille, Dan AMT M/A 7
Devries, Hilary AMT N/D 7
Dickens, Charles AMT M/A 7-8-10 (several mentions); AMT M/J 8
Dizikes, John AMT M/A 8
Dolmetsch, Carl J/F 1-2
Douglass, Frederick A. AMT S/O 6
Dziady (Polish play) J/A 1

Eble, Kenneth AMT M/J 5
Egashira, Rie AMT M/J 6
Elderkin, John AMT J/A 5
Elmira, N.Y. AMT J/A 6; S/O 2

Feinberg, Lawrence AMT N/D 7
Fellman, Michael AMT M/J 6
Fischer, Victor AMT M/A 10
Fishkin, Shelley Fisher AMT, M/J 5-6; AMT S/O 5; AMT N/D 6
Following the Equator AMT M/J 8; S/O 3
France and French criticism of MT AMT J/A 5
Frank, Michael AMT N/D 7
Frazer, Laura Hawkins AMT J/A 7
Freedman, Samuel G. AMT N/D 7
"Freeman Reports" (Cable TV show) AMT S/O 5
French, Earl AMT M/J 5

Gabler-Hover, Janet S/O 3-4
Gabrilowitsch, Ossip J/A 2
Garfield, James AMT S/O 6
Gates, Robert AMT M/A 8
German criticism of MT AMT N/D 6
Gibson, William J/A 1
Gilded Age, The AMT M/J 7
Goolrich, Chester AMT N/D 8
"Great Dark, The" AMT N/D 5
Greene, Maxine AMT M/J 6
Greenfield, Jeff AMT S/O 6
Gribben, Alan AMT M/A 8; M/J 1-2; S/O 1-2; N/D 1-2
Grove, James AMT M/J 5

Hannibal, Mo. AMT J/A 7
Harte, Bret AMT S/O 6
Hawkins, Laura (see Frazer, Laura Hawkins)
Hayashi, Sachiko AMT M/J 6
Haygood, Will AMT N/D 8
Hayes, Rutherford B. AMT S/O 6
Heart of Darkness AMT M/J 7
Hechinger, Fred M. AMT N/D 8
Hentoff, Nat AMT S/O 6
Higdon, David AMT M/J 7
Hill, Hamlin M/J 3; AMT, M/J 5
Hitchens, Christopher AMT S/O 5
Hoffman, Andrew AMT J/F 6
Holahan, David AMT M/J 7
"How, For Instance?" AMT M/A 8
Howells, William Dean AMT M/J 5; AMT S/O 6
Huckleberry Finn, Adventures of AMT J/F 6; AMT M/A 7, 9, 10 (several
mentions); AMT M/J 5, 6, 7, 8 (several mentions); AMT J/A 6, 7-8; S/O
3-4; AMT S/O 5, 6, 7, 8 (several mentions); N/D 2; AMT N/D 6, 7 (several
mentions), 8 (several mentions)
Hummler, Richard AMT S/O 5

India and Indian criticism of MT AMT J/A 5
Inge, M. Thomas N/D 2

Janssen, Dale AMT J/F 6
Japenese critiism of MT AMT M/J 5, 6, 7, 8 (scattered throughout entire
section); AMT J/A 5, 6, 7, 8 (many items)
Jones, A. W. AMT S/O 6
journalism AMT M/J 6; N/D 1

Kahn, Sholom J/A 2
Kaltenleutgeben, Austria J/F 1
Kamei, Shunsuke AMT M/J 7
Kaplan, Justin AMT M/J 5
Kapoor, S. D. AMT J/A 5
Katsuura, Yoshiro AMT J/A 5
Keller, Helen AMT J/A 7
Kellogg, E. P. S/O 3
Kent, Thomas AMT J/F 6
Kinch, J. C. B. AMT N/D 6
Korea N/D 2

"Learning Grammar" AMT M/A 8
Lemon, Richard AMT S/O 5
Leonard, James S. S/O 2
Leschetyzky, Theodore (or Teodor) J/A 1-2
Life on the Mississippi AMT M/J 5, 7, 7-8
Lord, Chester AMT J/A 5
"The Lotus Club" AMT J/A 5
"Lysoform" M/J 3

MacAllister, Donald M/J 3
MacAllister, J. Y. W. M/J 3
MacArthur, Robert Stuart AMT J/A 5
Marshall, Thurgood AMT S/O 6
McKinley, James AMT M/A 9
"Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg, The" AMT, M/A, 8; AMT, M/J 8
Mark Twain: God's Fool M/J 3
McDowell, Edwin AMT S/O 6
McGuinn, Warner T. AMT S/O 6; AMT N/D 6
McLinn, William L. N/D 3
Merron, Jules L. S/O 3
Michaud, R‚gis AMT J/A 5
Michelson, Bruce N/D 2
Mickiewicz, Adam J/A 1, 2
Mills, Randy AMT M/J 7
minstrel shows AMT M/A 7
Moses, George AMT M/J 7
Murphy, Francis AMT S/O 6 AMT M/J 6; J/A 1; AMT N/D 8

Nasu, Yorimasa AMT J/A 5
National Press Club N/D 1
Neider, Charles AMT M/A 9
Newcomb, Ethel J/A 2
Nightline (ABC-TV show) AMT S/O 6

O'Dell, Benjamin, Jr. AMT J/A 5
Ohashi, Eizo AMT J/A 6
Okabayashi, Minoru AMT J/A 6
Okubo, Hiroshi AMT J/A 6
Onanism AMT M/A 9, 10
Oshima, Seiko AMT J/A 6

Paine, Albert Bigelow J/A 1-2
Paul, Angus AMT S/O 7
Peck, Richard AMT N/D 6
Phillips, Ruth AMT J/A 6
"Plasmon" M/J 3
Poe, Edgar Allan AMT N/D 5
Poland and the Polish language J/A 1-2
Porter, Charles E. AMT S/O 6
Porter, Horace AMT J/A 5
P”tzl, Eduard J/F 1-2
Porte, Joel N/D 2
Prescott, Mary AMT M/A, 8
Price, Charles AMT J/A 5
"Private History of a Campaign That Failed, The" AMT N/D 6
Pudd'nhead Wilson AMT J/F 6; N/D 2

racism AMT S/O 5, 6, 7
Rambler, The (British magazine) AMT J/A 5
Redding, CT AMT J/A 7
"Reflections on Religion" AMT M/A 9
religion AMT J/F 6, 7
Rich, Frank AMT S/O 6
Robertson, Nan AMT S/O 7, 8
Robinson, Forrest AMT M/A 9
Rogers, Henry H. S/O 3
Roughing It AMT M/J 7; N/D 2
Rymer, Russ AMT S/O 8

Sakashita, Shiho AMT J/A 6
Samoussoud, Clara Clemens AMT M/A 9
Sasaki, Kuni AMT M/J 6
science AMT J/F 6
Seraydarian, Louisa S/O 3
Sewell, David N/D 2
Shavit, Zohar AMT J/A 6
Shear, Walter AMT M/J 7
Shillingsburg, Miriam AMT J/F 7; AMT M/J 8
Shimizu, Hiromu AMT J/A 7
1601 J/F 8; AMT, J/A 8
Skandera, Laura N/D 2
Sloane, David E. E. AMT M/J 5; S/O 3; N/D 2
sports AMT M/A, 8
Stanek, Lou W. AMT S/O 8; AMT N/D 8
Stead, Christina AMT M/A 7
Stein, M. L. AMT M/J 8
Steinbrink, Jefferey AMT M/A 9; N/D 2
Stiner, Richard and Nancy AMT S/O 6
Stowe/Day Library (Hartford, Conn.) AMT M/J 5
Stowe, Harriet Beecher AMT M/J 5
Sutton, Roger AMT S/O 8

Tabei, Koji AMT M/J 8
Taylor, Coley AMT J/A 7
Taylor, Meshach AMT S/O 6
Teller, Charlotte AMT J/A 7
Territorial Enterprise (revived version) AMT, M/J 8; AMT N/D 7
Thompson, Hunter AMT M/A 9
Tom Sawyer, The Adventures of AMT J/F 6; AMT M/J 5; AMT J/A 7
Tracy, Robert AMT M/A 10
Tuckey, John J/A 2
Turner, H. G. AMT J/A 7

Ueda, Osamu AMT M/J 8
Umphlett, Wiley Lee AMT N/D 8

Vienna, Austria J/F 1

Waggoner, Hyatt AMT M/J 5
Wallace, John H. AMT S/O 5, 6, 8 (several mentions)
Washington D.C., MT in N/D 1
Watanabe, Toshio AMT J/A 7, 8
Watkins, Geoffrey AMT N/D 5
Wayland, Francois AMT S/O 6
What is Man? AMT M/A 8
Will, George F. AMT S/O 8
Wilson, James D. AMT J/F 7; N/D 2
Wirth-Nesher, Hana AMT M/J 8
Wood, Charles Ershine Scott AMT J/A 8
Wordell, Charles AMT M/J 8

Yagi, Toshio AMT J/A 8
Yale Law School AMT S/O 5, 6
Yardley, Jonathan AMT N/D 8

Ziegler, Edward AMT S/O 8

                        Vols. 4 (1990), 5 (1991)
                            by Wesley Britton


      This index to the _Mark Twain Circular_ for Volumes 4 and 5 (1990,
91) updates Wesley Britton's index of _Mark Twain: A Reference Guide_
Supplements (1977-1983) and the _Mark Twain Circular_, Volumes 1-3
(1987-1989).  The format discussed below is the same as for the '89
index; it should be noted that the _Circular_ became a quarterly
beginning with the 1990 July-September issue.


      Each item is listed by its year, month's initials (for example,
M/A=March April) followed by the page number.


      Items listed in the annotated "About Mark Twain" section are
indexed as "AMT," followed by the month's initials and the page number.
(Example: "Blair, Walter AMT, M/A, 10.")  Both authors and subjects
discussed in each listing are indexed.


VOLUME 4 (1990)

Jan.-Feb. (J/F). No. 1-2 (Page 3 is an annotated listing of major MT
March-April (M/A) No. 3-4
May-June (M/J) No. 5-6 (First INDEX, listing A-B)
July-Sept. (J/S) No. 7-9 (First issue as quarterly; pgs. 2-9 are a
      directory of MARK TWAIN CIRCLE members.  No "About Mark Twain"
Oct.-Dec. (O/D) No. 10-12. (Contains B-D of INDEX)

VOLUME 5 (91)

Jan-Mar. (J/M) No. 1  (D-H of INDEX)
April-June (A/J) No. 2 (H-O of INDEX)
July-Sept. (Incorrectly labelled "July-August") (J/A) No. 3 (O-Z of INDEX)
Oct.-Dec. (O/D) No. 4


"angelfish" (91) AMT J/M 8
Aquarium, Mark Twain's (John Cooley) (91) AMT J/M 8
Authentic Mark Twain, The (Everett Emerson) (90) AMT M/A, 8
Asselineau, Roger (90) J/F 3


Baetzhold, Howard (90) AMT O/D 9
Bardes, Barbara (91) AMT A/J 9
Barnum, P.T. (90) M/J, 1
Barrow, David (90) J/F 2
Bassett, John (91) AMT O/D 8
Beaty, Janice (90) AMT M/A 5
Berkove, Lawrence (90) M/J, 1-4; (91) AMT A/J 9, O/D 1-4
Bibliography of American Literature (90) J/F 2
Bibliography of the Works of Mark Twain (90) J/F 3
Big Bonanza, The (90) M/J, 2 
Bird, John (90) AMT O/D 8
Black, Ronald (91) AMT A/J 9
Blanck, Jacob (90) J/F 2-3
Bledsoe, Helen (90) AMT J/F, 8
Blohm, Craig (90) AMT J/F, 8
Branch, Edgar M. (91) AMT J/M 8
Brauer, Arlette (91) AMT O/D 8
Brazil (HF compared with literature of) (90) AMT M/A, 7
Brenner, Gerry (91) AMT O/D 7
Briden, Earl (91) AMT J/A 9
Britton, Wesley (90) M/J 5-8; (91) AMT J/M 8
Brown, Robert (90) AMT M/A, 7
Budd, Louis (90) J/F 1
Burket, Mary Lou (90) AMT J/F, 8


Camfield, Gregg (91) AMT O/D 7
Cardwell, Guy (91) AMT O/D 7-8
Chamerlain, Bobby (90) AMT M/A, 7
Chambers, Bradford (91) AMT O/D 8
Clemens family (90) AMT J/F, 7; (91) AMT J/M 8
Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, A (90) AMT J/F, 6; AMT
      M/A, 7, AMT O/D 9; (91) AMT A/J 9; AMT O/D 9
Cooley, John (91) AMT J/M 8
Covici, Pascal Jr. (90) M/A 1-2; J/S 1-2
Crichton, Andrew (91) AMT O/D 9
Curtis, Capt. S.T. (90) M/J, 2


Dark Twins: Imposture and Identity in Mark Twain's America (Susan
      Gillman) (90) AMT M/A 5
Damon, Duane (90) AMT J/F, 8
De Quille, Dan (William Wright) (90) M/J, 1-4
Dickenson, James (90) AMT J/F, 6

Dolmetsch, Carl (91) AMT J/M 8
Dorris, Ronald (91) AMT O/D 9


Eckley, Joseph E. (90) M/J, 2, 3
Edwards, June (91) AMT O/D 9
Ellison, Ralph (91) AMT O/D 7
Elmira, NY (90) J/F 4
Emerson, Everett (90) AMT M/A, 8


Fiedler, Leslie (90) AMT M/A, 8
Fishkin, Shelley F. (91) AMT A/J 10
Freedman, Samuel (90) AMT M/A, 8
Funk, Peter (90) AMT M/A 5-6


Gabler-Hover, Janet (90) AMT M/A 6
Gabrilowitsch, Ossip (91) AMT J/M 8
gender studies (90) AMT O/D 8; (91) AMT A/J 9, AMT J/A 9
Gilded Age, The (91) AMT A/J 9
Gillman, Susan (90) AMT M/A 5, AMT O/D 7
Gluck, James F. (91) J/M 1
Gossett, Suzanne (91) AMT A/J 9
Grant, David (90) AMT J/F, 8
Grant, U.S. (90) AMT J/F, 8
"Great Dark, The" (90) AMT J/F, 7
Gribben, Alan (90) AMT O/D 8
Gross, William (90) AMT J/F, 6


Head, John (91) AMT A/J 10
Horwitz, Howard (90) AMT J/M 9
Holt, Elvin (91) AMT J/M 8
Huckleberry Finn, The Adventures of (90) J/F 2; AMT J/F, 6, 8; M/A
      2-3; AMT M/A 6, 7 (several mentions), 8 (several mentions),
      AMT O/D 8 (several mentions), 9: (91) J/M 1, AMT J/M 8, 9
      (several mentions), AMT A/J 9 (several mentions), 10, AMT J/A
      9; AMT O/D 7, 8, 9 (several mentions each page)


Jackson, Helen Hunt (90) AMT O/D 9
Janseen, Dale (90) AMT M/A 5
Jehlen, Myra AMT (90) O/D 8
Johnson, Merle (90) J/F 3

Kahn, Sholom (90) J/F 1-2
Kemble, Edward (91) AMT J/M 9, AMT J/A 9
Kiskis, Michael (90) AMT J/M 9


Lentrichia, Frank (90) AMT O/D 8
Leonard, James (91) J/M 1
Leschetiski, Theodor (91) AMT J/M 8
Letters From The Earth (90) AMT J/M 9
Life on the Mississippi (90) AMT O/D 8
Lindskoog, John (90) AMT M/A 6
Lindskoog, Kathern (90) AMT M/A 6
Literary Reputation of Mark Twain From 1910-1950 (90) J/F 3
Little, Betsy (90) AMT J/F, 8
Lofrith, Erik (91) AMT A/J 10
Loomis, C. Grant (90) M/J, 2
Lyon, Isabel (90) J/F 3


Machlis, Paul (90) J/F 3
Maillouix, Steven (90) AMT O/D 8
Mark Twain: A Bibliography of the Collections of the Mark Twain
      Memorial and the Stowe-Day Foundation  (90) J/F 3
Mark Twain International: A Bibliography and Interpretation of His
      Worldwide Popularity (90) J/F 3
Mark Twain Project (91) O/D 1-4
Mark Twain's Languages: Discourse, Dialogue, and Linguistic Variety
      (David Sewell) (90) AMT M/A 6
Mark Twain's Letters VOL. II (90) AMT M/A 5
Marrotti, Maria (90) AMT O/D 7
Maul, George (90) AMT M/A 6
Mason, Ernest (90) AMT M/A 6
McBride, William (90) J/F 3
McLaughlin, Thomas (90) AMT O/D 8
"McWilliamses and the Burglar Alarm, The" (90) AMT J/F, 6
Merron, Jules (90) J/F 3
Millerites (90) AMT M/A, 7
Mitchell, Lee Clark (90) AMT M/A 6
music (91) AMT J/M 8
"My Autobiography" (90) AMT J/M 9
Mysterious Stranger (90) J/M 1-2; AMT J/M 6, 9


Nagawara, Makoto  (90) AMT M/A, 6
National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) (91) O/D 1-4
Native Americans (90) AMT O/D 9
Neider, Charles (90) AMT M/A, 7
"North American Review" (90) AMT J/M 9


"Old Times on the Mississippi" (91) AMT J/M 8
Opdahl, Keith (90) AMT O/D 8
Owsley, William (90) M/A 2-3


Paine, Thomas (91) AMT J/M 8
"Petrified Man, The" (90) M/J, 1
Phillips, Louis (90) M/J, 4
Plymouth Rock and the Pilgrims and other Salutary Opinions Amt
      (90) M/A, 7
Poe, Edgar Allan (90) AMT O/D 8
Pollock, Brenda (90) AMT J/F, 8
Prince and the Pauper, The (90) AMT M/A, 8
Pudd'n Head Wilson (90) AMT O/D 7; AMT J/M 9, AMT A/J 10


racism (90) AMT J/F, 6; AMT M/A 6 (several mentions), 8, AMT O/D
      7; (91) AMT J/M 8, AMT A/J 9, 10 (several mentions); AMT O/D
      7, 8, 9 (several mentions each page)
Renza, Louis (90) AMT O/D 8
Robinson, Forrest (90) AMT O/D 7
Rodney, Robert (90) J/F 3
Roop, Peter (90) AMT J/F, 8
Rose, Forrest (90) M/A 2-3
Roughing It (90) AMT M/A 6
Russian (criticism of HF) (90) AMT J/F, 6
Russell, Bertrand (90) M/J, 4
Russell, Gene (90) AMT J/F, 8


Samossoud, Clara Clemens (91) AMT J/M 8
Sanborn, Margaret (91) AMT A/J 10
Scharnnorst, Gary (90) AMT M/A, 7
Schumann, Michael (90) AMT J/F, 8
Seraydarian, Louisa (90) J/F 3
Sewell, David (90) AMT M/A 6
Shanley, Mary (91) AMT O/D 9
Sloane, David E. E. (91) AMT A/J 10
Smarr, Sam (90) M/A 2-3
Smith, Henry Nash (90) AMT O/D 8, 9
Sollors, Herman (90) AMT O/D 9
Stanek, Lou Willett (90) AMT J/F, 6
"Stewart, Prof. W.F." (90) M/J, 2,3
Stillman, Peter (91) AMT O/D 9
Swedish translations of MT's work (91) AMT A/J 10


Teacher's Guides to Novels of Mark Twain (90) AMT J/F, 6
Tenney, Thomas (90) J/F 3
Territorial Enterprise (90) M/J, 1
"Three Thousand Years Among the Microbes" (90) AMT J/F, 7
Tom Sawyer, The Adventures of (90) AMT J/F, 6, 7; AMT M/A 6
"Traveling Stones" Hoax (90) M/J, 1-3
Trevathan, Mary Ann (90) AMT J/F, 8
Tristrum Shandy (90) AMT M/A 6
"True Story, A" (90) AMT M/A, 6
Tuckey, John (90) AMT O/D 9


Union Catalog of Clemens Letters (90) J/F 3


Vienna, Austria (91) AMT J/M 8
Voloshin, Beverly (90) AMT O/D 9


Walsh, Elsa (90) AMT J/F, 7
Walsh, Kathleen (90) AMT J/F, 7
Warner, Charles Dudley (91) AMT A/J 9
"War Prayer, The" (91) AMT J/M 8
Warren, Joyce (90) AMT J/F, 7, (91) AMT J/A 9
Weimann, Robert (90) AMT J/M 9
Werge, Thomas (90) AMT J/F, 7
Wilson, James D. (90) J/F 1; (91) J/A 1
women in MT's fiction (90) AMT J/F, 7
women (see "gender studies")
"Woodworth, J.M." (90) M/J, 2,3
World of Mark Twain (children's magazine) (90) AMT J/F, 7
Wright, William (see De Quille, Dan)


Ziff, Larzer (90) AMT O/D 9
Ziobin, G.P. (90) AMT J/F, 6
Zuckert, Catherine (90) AMT J/F, 8

                              Vol. 6 (1992)
                            by Wesley Britton

      This index updates the ongoing listing of items in the _Mark Twain
Circular_ and items listed in Tom Tenney's About Mark Twain.  Each item
is listed by its month's initials (see below followed by the page number
on which the item appears.  Items listed in the annotated "About Mark
Twain" section are indexed as "AMT," followed by the month's initials
and the page number.  (Example: "Blair, Walter AMT, M/A, 10.")  Both
authors and subjects discussed in each listing are indexed.

Vol. 6

Jan.-March (J/M) No. 1
April-June (A/J) No. 2 (Contains Index of '89 Circular)
July-Sept. (J/S) No. 3
Oct.-Dec. (O/D) No. 4

INDEX VOL. 6 (1992)


Allingham, Philip AMT O/D 9
A Tramp Abroad AMT A/J 7
Aguinaldo, Emilio AMT J/S 10
"Autobiography of Eve" AMT J/S 9
Ayers, James AMT J/S 10


Baetzhold, Howard AMT J/S 9
Bancroft Library J/M 1
baseball AMT J/S 10
Beardshore, R.W. AMT O/D 9
Beidler, Peter AMT J/M 8
Berlin, Germany J/S 5; O/D 1
Blair, Walter O/D 1-3
Blatti, Jo O/D 6
Branch, Edgar J/S 6-8
Britton, Wesley A/J 3-6
Buddd, Isabella J/S 5-6
Buddd, Louis J/S 4, 5-6
Buntline, Ned O/D 5
Burde, Edgar AMT J/S 9


Cardwell, Guy AMT O/D 9
Caron, James J/M 4-6; AMT J/S 9
Champion, Laurie AMT J/M 8
Chikugo, Katsuhiko AMT O/D 9
Cooper, Stephen AMT J/M 8
Cord, "Aunt Rachel" J/S 1


Dallem, John J/M 6
Davis, Thaddeus AMT J/M 9
"Defense of General Funston, A" AMT J/S 10
Dickenson, Asa Don AMT J/M 8
Dickens, Charles AMT O/D 9
Dolmetch, Carl J/S 4-5; O/D 1-3
Doyno, Victor AMT J/M 8-9; J/S 2


Eliot, T.S. AMT J/M 10
Ellis, James AMT J/S 9
"Em Quads" AMT J/S 10
Emerson, Everett J/M 3-4, AMT J/M 9; A/J 3; O/D 6
"Encounter with an Interviewer" J/S 1
Ensor, Allison A/J 3


Fatout, Paul O/D 5
Fuller, Melville J/M 6


Gabrilowitsch, Clara Clemens J/S 5-6
Gluck, James Frazer J/S 2
Great Expectations AMT O/D 9
Gribben, Alan AMT J/S 9, 10


Hirst, Robert J/M 1
Hoffman, Andrew AMT J/M 9
Holcomb, Christopher AMT O/D 10
Howe, Lawrence AMT J/S 10
Huckleberry Finn AMT J/M 8 (several mentions), 9 (several
      mentions); AMT A/J 7; J/S 2,3, AMT J/S 9 (several mentions);
      AMT O/D 9


Innocents Abroad AMT J/S 9


James, Edward J/M 4
Judson, Edward Z. Carroll O/D 5


Karanovich, Nick AMT J/S 10
Kilpatrick, James AMT A/J 7
Kiskis, Michael J/S 1-2


Leonard, James AMT J/M 9; A/J 1-2
Life on the Mississippi J/M 3, AMT J/M 8
Loftus, Judith J/S 1
Loos, William J/S 2


Mandla, Patricia AMT J/M 10
Mark Twain Forum (electronic) A/J 2
Mark Twain Project (Bancroft Library) J/M 1
Malcolm, Donald AMT J/S 9
McCarthy, Dennis AMT J/S 10
McComb, John AMT J/S 10
McCullough, Joseph AMT J/S 9
McLuhan, Marshall AMT J/M 10
Moore, Jim AMT J/S 10


Okubo, Hiroshi AMT A/J 7, 8
"Old Times on the Mississippi" AMT J/S 9
"One Million Dollar Bank Note" AMT J/M 9
Oregon J/M 4-6


"Papers of the Adam Family" AMT J/S 9
Pepper, Robert O/D 5-6
"Physiognomic Illustrations" O/D 7
Pond, James AMT J/S 10
Pudd'nhead Wilson J/S 1; AMT J/S 10; AMT O/D 9


racial issues AMT J/M 8, 9; AMT A/J 7; AMT J/S 9; AMT J/S 10
Ray, Jimmy J/M 4-5
Regal, Phillip AMT J/M 10
religion AMT J/M 9 
Rogers, Henry J/S 3
Roughing It AMT J/S 9


Sammossoud, Jacques J/S 5-6
Seelye, John J/M 3-4
Seller, Dr. William J/S 6
Shultz, Christian AMT J/M 8
Simms, Joseph O/D 7
slavery AMT J/S 9
Sloane, David E.E. J/S 3
Spaulding, Albert AMT J/S 10
"Story of the Good Little Boy" AMT O/D 9
Stowe, Hariet Beecher J/S 1


Tenney, Thomas AMT J/M 9
Tom Sawyer, Adventures of AMT J/S 9


Vienna, Austria J/S 4-5


Wallace, John AMT J/M 8
Wildman, Edwin AMT J/S 10
Wodehouse, P.G. AMT O/D 10
women A/J 1; J/S 1


Zlatic, Thomas AMT J/S 10
Zwick, Jim AMT J/S 10

            Index to Mark Twain Circular, "About Mark Twain"
                              Vol. 7 (1993)

Issues of Vol. 7
No. 1 Jan./Feb. (J/F)
    (Pages 2-9 are the 1993 Directory of Mark Twain Circle
No. 2 April/June (A/J)
    (Pages 3-5 contains an Electronic Mail Directory of Twain
No. 3 July/September (J/S)
     (Pages 5-8 are index of Volumes 4-5).
No. 4 Oct./Dec. (O/C) (incorrectly labeled Vol. 8) 
    (Pages 1-2 list sessions at 1993 MLA; page 2 lists sessions at
    1994 ALA; pages 5-6 are 1992 index.)


African Americans (see also race) AMT A/J 8
Aguinaldo, Emilio AMT O/D 8
Anspaugh, Kelly AMT O/D 7
anti-Imperialism writings AMT J/S 9; AMT O/D 8, 9
Anti-Imperialist League AMT O/D 9
Arnold, Matthew AMT J/S 9
Arnold, Thomas AMT J/S 9
Autobiography, Mark Twain's AMT O/D 74


Baender, Paul AMT O/D 7
Baskin, Darryl A/J 1-2
Bassett, John AMT A/J 7
Beidler, Peter AMT O/D 7
Benton, Thomas Hart AMT O/D 7
Berkove, Lawrence J/S 1-2; AMT O/D 8
Blair, Walter J/M 9-10
Bradshaw, Henry AMT O/D 7
Branch, Edgar J/S 10
Britton, Wesley AMT J/S 9
Budd, Louis AMT A/J 7
Buntline, Ned O/D 3-5


Calvinism AMT O/D 8
Carnegie, Andrew AMT O/D 9
"A Cat-Tale" AMT O/D 7
"Chronicle of Young Satan" AMT O/D 8
Clemens, Olivia Langdon AMT A/J 9
Cooper, James Fenimore AMT J/M 7
Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, A AMT A/J 7; AMT J/S 9
Crick, Robert AMT A/J 7


"Defense of General Funston, A" AMT J/S 9; AMT O/D 8
Dolmetsch, Carl AMT J/A 8, 10


Electronic Forum A/J  5
Ellison, Ralph AMT A/J 8
Elmira, NY  A/J 1-2
Encyclopedia, Mark Twain AMT A/J 8


Faux, William AMT O/D 7-8
Fiedler, Leslie AMT O/D 7
Fishkin, Shelly Fisher AMT A/J 8
Following the Equator AMT O/D 8
freedom AMT O/D 8
Freud, Sigmund AMT A/J 8


Gilman, Sander AMT O/D 8
Genealogy of Mark Twain, The (L. Lampton) J/S 5
Gilded Age, The AMT J/S 9
Gold, Charles N. J/M 9-10
Graver, William AMT J/S 9
Gribben, Alan A/J 1-2


Hawkins, Hunt AMT O/D 8
Hirsh, James AMT A/J 8
Howells, William Dean AMT A/J 7; AMT O/D 9
humor AMT O/D 7
Huckleberry Finn, Adventures of AMT A/J 7, 8; AMT O/D 7, 8


India (criticism of MT) AMT O/D 7
"Interethnic Male Bonding, theme of" AMT O/D 7 


Jews AMT O/D 8
Joan of Arc, Personal Recollections of AMT O/D 8
journalism AMT A/J 8


Kemble, E.W. AMT O/D 7
"King Leopold's Soliloquy" AMT O/D 8
Kipling, Rupyard AMT J/S 9; AMT O/D 7
Kiskis, Michael J/S 2-3


Lampton, James J/S 5
Lampton, Lucius J/S 5
Lancaster, Marilyn AMT A/J 8
LeMaster, J.R. AMT A/J 8
Life on the Mississippi AMT A/J 7, 8; AMT O/D 7


"Macfarlane" AMT O/D 7
Mark Twain Forum A/J 5
Mark Twain Project J/S 1-2
monarchy AMT O/D 7
music AMT A/J 8
Mysterious Stranger AMT O/D 7


Nagawara, Makoto AMT J/S 9


Osgood, James AMT O/D 7


Pennsylvania (steamboat) J/S 10
Philippine-American War AMT J/S 9; AMT O/D 8, 9
Prince and the Pauper AMT A/J 7
public speaking by MT AMT J/S 9


Quarry Farm (Elmira, NY) A/J 1-2


race (see also African Americans) AMT O/D 7, 8
Rao, E. Nageswara AMT O/D 7
religion AMT J/S 9; AMT O/D 9
rhetoric AMT J/S 9
Robert Elsmere (Humphrey) AMT J/S 9
Roughing It AMT A/J 7


Scharnhorse, Gary AMT A/J 9
Schurz, Carl AMT O/D 9
Segal, Harry AMT O/D 8
Shakespeare, William AMT A/J 8
Sharlow, Gretchen A/J 2
Slone, David E.E. AMT A/J 9
"Sociable Jimmy" (sketch) AMT A/J 8
Steinbrink, Jeffrey AMT A/J 9


temperance O/D 3-5
Tenney, Tom J/S 3-4
Tom Sawyer, Adventures of AMT A/J 9
Tramp Abroad AMT A/J 7
"To the Person Sitting in Darkness" AMT J/S 9
"A True Story" AMT J/S 9


Vallin, Marlene AMT J/S 9
Vienna, Austria AMT A/J 8, 10


Warner, Charles D. AMT J/S 9
Welland, Dennis AMT A/J 9
Wells, Resa AMT A/J 9
What is Man? AMT A/J 8; AMT O/D 7
"Whittier Birthday Speech" AMT J/S 9
Wilson, James AMT A/J 8


Zlatic, Thomas  AMT O/D 8
Zwick, Jim AMT J/S 9; AMT O/D 8 

        Index to the _Mark Twain Circular_ and "About Mark Twain"
                              Vol. 8 (1994)

This index updates the ongoing index of items in the _Circular_ and
"About Mark Twain."  Each item is listed by its initials (see below)
followed by the page number on which the item appears. Items listed in
the annotated "About Mark Twain" section are indicated by "AMT" followed
by the month and page numbers. (Example: "Blair, Walter AMT M/A 10").
Both authors and subject matter are listed; Circle business, calls for
papers, and conference information are not indexed.

The April/June issue, pages 6-8, contains Everett Emerson's "Additions
to Bibliographies in _The Mark Twain Encyclopedia_."  Subjects in this
list are indicated by an EB before the month and page number. 

Volume 8
January/March (J/M) No. 1
      (contains index of '92 _Circular_)
April/June (A/J) No. 2
      (contains "Additions to Bibliographies in the _Mark Twain
      Encyclopedia_, indexed below)
July/Sept. (J/S) No. 3 
Oct./Dec. O/D No. 4 
     (Mark Twain Circle Directory appears pages 2-10)


Aldrich, Thomas Bailey EB A/J 6
Anti-Imperialist League AMT A/J 9
Arnold, Matthew EB A/J 6-7
Ashcroft, Ralph AMT J/S 8
Athon, William A/J 3


Baetzhold, Howard AMT J/S 7
Beard, Daniel Carter EB A/J 7; AMT J/S 8
Berret, Anthony AMT J/M 9
Boyer, John AMT J/M 10
Brady, Laura AMT J/S 7
Branch, Edgar J/S 2-3
Brent, Linda J/M 5
Britton, Wesley J/M 6-7
Budd, Louis AMT J/S 7
Buntline, Ned J/M 1


"Chatto and Windus" EB A/J 7
Child, L. Maria L. J/M 4-5
Civil War J/M 4-6, AMT J/M 10
Clemens, Cyril A/J 6
Clemens' family AMT J/M 9; AMT J/S 9 
Clemens, Olivia "Livy" Langdon AMT J/M 10 
Clemens, Samuel (son of Cyril) A/J 5-6
Condon, Garrett AMT J/M 10
_Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, A_ AMT J/M 10
Cox, James M. J/M 4

Davis, Chester AMT J/S 8
De Quille, Dan AMT J/M 10
Dickens, Charles EB A/J 7
Dolmetsch, Carl AMT J/S 7; AMT J/S 9
Dorris, Michael AMT J/S 7
dreams J/S 3


Edison, Thomas J/S 3
Elmira, N.Y. AMT J/S 8
Ensor, Allison A/J 4-5
Erdnch, Louise AMT J/S 7 
"Extracts from Adam's Diary" EB A/J 6: J/S 3


Fishkin, Shelley Fisher A/J 3; AMT J/S 7-8, 9
folklore EB A/J 7
Freud, Sigmund AMT J/M 10


Germany, German language EB A/J 7: AMT A/J 9
_Gilded Age_, The AMT J/S 7
Gold, Charles AMT A/J 9
Greeley, Horace J/M 5
"Grangerfords" EB A/J 7

Harte, Bret AMT A/J 9
Haiwaith, George AMT J/S 8
Hill, Hamlin AMT J/S 7
Hoffman, Andrew AMT J/M 10 
Holmes, John AMT J/M 10
Houghton, Bill AMt J/M 10
Howe, Lawrence AMT J/M 10;AMT J/S 8 
Howells, William Dean AMT J/M 10
_Huckleberry Finn, Adventures of_ J/M 4, 7 AMT J/M 9; EB A/J 7; AMT J/S
humor, MT and AMT A/J 9;J/S 3


illustrators (of MT's works) EB A/J 7; AMT J/S 8
_Incidents in the Live of a Slave Girl_ (see Jacobs, Harriet)
Indians EB A/J 7
Inge, Thomas AMT J/S 8


Jacobs, Harriet (_Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl_) J/M 4-7
James, Henry AMT J/S 7
_Joan of Arc, Personal Recollections of_  EB A/J 7


Kahn, Sholom J/M 4-7
Kern, Jerome J/A 4-5
Kersten, Holger AMT A/J 9


Langdon, Ida AMT J/S 9
Leonard, James J/S 3-6
"Letters from a Fugitive Slave" J/M 5
_Life on the Mississippi_ J/M 4-6, AMT J/M 10
_Love Medicine_ (Erdnch and Dorris) AMT J/S 7
Lyon, Isabel EB A/J 7; AMT J/S 8


Machlis, Paul AMT J/M 9
"Mark Twain Portrait for Orchestra" (Jerome Kern) AMT A/J 4-5
McMillan, Liz AMT J/M 10
McQueeny, Tom A/J 5-6
_Meisterschaft_ EB A/J 7
multi-media resources J/S 3-6
_Mysterious Stranger_ J/M 4

Nickels, Cameron AMT A/J 9


"Old Times on the Mississippi" EB A/J 6
"original Jacobs" J/M 4-6


Paige typesetter EB A/J 7; AMT A/J 9
Paul, Chris AMT J/S 8
Pepper, Robert  J/M 1
Philippine-American War AMT A/J 9
"Private history of a Campaign that Failed, A" EB A/J 7

Quirk, Tom AMT J/M 9


race J/M 4-7; A/J 3; J/S 3; AMT J/S 7-8, 9
Rafferty, Jennifer J/M 3-4
Redding, CT AMT J/S 8
Rice, Clement AMT J/M 10
"Resources for Teaching Mark Twain: A Mark Twain Newspaper" J/M 3-4
Rodney, Robert AMT J/M 9
_Roughing It_ AMT J/M 10
Routledge and Sons EB A/J 7


Samossoud, Clara Clemens EB A/J 7
Scharnhorst, Gary AMT A/J 9
Schwitz, Gary AMT J/M 10
science, MT and J/S 3
sexuality AMT J/M 10; EB A/J 7
Shakespeare, William AMT J/M 9; EB A/J 7
Shepardson family EB A/J 8
slavery J/M 4-6
Slote, Daniel EB A/J 8
Smith, Henry Nash EB A/J 8
"Sociable Jimmy" A/J 3
speeches J/S 3; AMT J/S 7
Stoddard, Charles EB A/J 8
Sundquist, Eric AMT J/M 9

Thomason, Jerry AMT J/S 8
"To the Person Sitting in Darkness" AMT A/J 9
"True Story, A" J/M 4
Turner, Deborah Ann AMT J/M 9
"Twain's World" (CD-ROM resource) J/S 3-5


"Uncle Mark" (multi-media resource) J/S 5
_Union Catalog of Letters to Clemens_ AMT J/M 9 

Ward, Artemus AMT J/M 10; EB A/J 8
Whisby, Herbert AMT J/S 9
"Whittier Dinner Birthday Speech" EB A/J 8
_Whole Folly, The_ (James) AMT J/S 7
Winkler, Karen AMT J/S 8
Wonham, Henry AMT J/S 9


Yellin, Jean Fagon J/M 4-6
Zwick, Jim AMT A/J 9

          Index to _Mark Twain Circular_ and "About Mark Twain"
                            Vol. 9 (1995)

     This index updates the ongoing index of items in the _Circular_ and
"About Mark Twain."  Each item is listed by its initials (see below)
followed by the page number on which the item appears. Items listed in
the annotated "About Mark Twain" section are indicated by "AMT" followed
by the month and page numbers. (Example: "Blair, Walter AMT M/A 10").
Both authors and subject matter are listed; Circle business, calls for
papers, and conference information are not indexed.

Vol. 9 

January/March (J/M) No. 1
April/June (A/J) No. 2
July/Sept. (J/S) No. 3
     (contains 1994 index, pps. 4-7; Media Update to _Mark Twain
     Encyclopedia_ pps. 7-9)
Oct./December (O/D) No. 4

Adamic myth O/D 2
_Adventures of Mark Twain_ (1944 film) J/S 7
Alda, Alan J/S 8
_The Apple Tree_ (musical) J/S 8
audiotapes (see also media) J/S 8

Baender, Paul AMT J/M 8
Beidler, Gretchen AMT J/S 10
Berkove, Lawrence J. J/M 6: AMT J/M 8
_Bonanza_ (TV series_ J/S 8
Briden, Earl  AMT J/M 8; AMT J/S 10
Britton, Wesley J/S 7-9
Broadway musicals J/S 9-10
Brodwin, Stanley AMT A/J 1-2; O/D 1-3
Brokaw, Tom J/S 7
Brownell, Louise  AMT J/M 9
Budd, Isabelle J/M 4; AMT A/J 2

Camfiel, Gregg AMT J/S 10
Cardwell, Guy AMT J/M 8
Carey-Webb, Allen AMT J/M 9
CD-ROM A/J 6; J/S 8
censorship AMT J/M 9
_Civil War Journal_ J/S 8
Clemens, Olivia Langdon AMT J/M 9
Clemens, Suzy AMT J/M 9
Cook, Joseph  A/J 2-4
Collins, Brian AMT J/S 10
_Conneticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, A_ AMtJ/M 10; O/D 2
Cox, James J/S 7
Cracroft, Richard AMT J/M 9 

Daly, James J/S 8
De Quille, Dan (J/M 6)
DeVoto, Bernard AMT J/M 9
_Diaries of Adam and Eve_ J/S 9
Dietz, Norman J/S 8
Disney (TV films) J/S 7
Dolmetsch, Carl AMT J/M 9
Doyno, Vic  J/M 1-3; AMT A/J 1-3; J/S 1, 7
Duff, Howard J/S 8

Ellis, Edward AMT J/M 10
Elmira College J/S 8
Ensor, Allison J/S 8

Feiffer, Jules J/S 8
film (see also media) AMT J/M 8; J/S 7-8
Fisher-Fishkin, Shelley AMT J/M 9
Fulton, Valerie J/S 8 

Gardner, Richard AMT J/M 9
gender (see also women) AMT J/M 8
German language AMT J/M 9
Gribben, Alan O/D 1-3

Harte, Bret J/S 8
Haupt, Clyde AMT J/M 8; J/S 7
Hengstebeck, Marylle AMt J/M 10
Hentoff, Ned J/S 7
History Channel J/S 8
Holsten, Suzy J/S 10
_Huckleberry Finn, Adventures of_ AMT J/M 8, 9, 10; A/J 2-4; J/S 4, 7,
     10; O/D 2 
Hyatt, Gordon J/S 8

_Innocents Abroad_ AMT J/S 10

Jafari, Jafar AMT J/M 9

Kaplan, Justin J/S 7
Keilor, Garrison J/S 7
Kern, Jerome J/S 8
_Kung Fu_ (TV series) J/S 8

Learning Channel (cable network) J/S 7
LeMaster, J.R. AMT J/M 10
Leonard, Jim J/S 8
Levi, Paul Allen A/J 4; J/S 9
Lew, Ann AMT J/M 10
_Life_ magazine A/J 4
_Life On the Mississippi_ J/S 7, 10 ; O/D 2

NacNeill/Lehrer News Hour J/S 8
March, Frederick J/S 7
_Mark Twain: A Musical Biography_ J/S 8
"Mark Twain and me" (TV movie) J/S 7
Mark Twain Arts Council J/S 8
_Mark Twain A to Z_ AMT J/S 10
Mark Twain Company J/M 4
Mark Twain Forum J/M 4-5; J/S 8
Mark Twain Foundation J/M 4
_Mark Twain: Portrait for Orchestra_ J/S 8 
media (see also film, music) AMT J/M 8; J/S 7-9
"Milion to Juan" (film) J/S 7
"Million Pound Bank Note" J/S 7
Minor, Dale J/S 8
Mormons AMT J/M 9
Morrison, Toni AMT J/M 9
music A/J 2-4; J/S 7-9             

Paine, Albert B. J/S 7
Parker, Nancy O/D 3 
Pfitzer, Gregory AMT J/M 10
_Pudd'nhead Wilson_ AMT J/M 10

Quick, Dorothy J/S 7

racism AMT J/M 9, 10
Rasmussen, R. Kent J/S 8, 10
religion O/D 2
"Return to Hannibal" (TV movie) J/S 7
_Rifleman, The_ J/S 8
Robards, Jason J/S 7
Roberts, Taylor J/M 4-5
Rogers, Franklin AMT J/M 8
_Roughing It_ AMT J/M 7, 8; O/D 3

Schamhorst, Gary AMT J/S 10
science-fiction J/S 8
Skandera-Trombly, Laura AMT J/M 8
Shepard, Sam AMT J/S 10
slavery AMT J/M 9, 10
_Sorceress of Attu, The_ (Dan De Quille) J/M 6
Stahl, J.D. AMT J/M 8
_Star Trek_ (TV series) J/S 8
Stockton, Frank J/S 8
Sutherland, Doonald J/S 8

television (see also media) J/S 7-9
"This Century" J/S 7
_Tom Sawyer Abroad_ AMT J/S 10
_Tom Sawyer, Adventures of_ AMT J/S 10
_Tom Sawyer Among the Indians_ AMT J/M 10
Towsend, Joseph J/S 8
_Twain's World_ (CD-ROM) J/S 8

_Uncle Mark_ (video) J/S 8

Vicksburg, MI J/S 8
video (see also media) J/S 7-8
Vienna, Austria AMT J/M 9
Vogel, Lester AMT J/S 10

Wallace, John J/S 7
Ward, Artemus AMT J/M 9 ; J/S 8
Willis, Resa AMT J/M 9
Wilson, James A/J 2
Wonelan, Henry AMT J/M 10 
women AMT J/M 8-9

         Index to the Mark Twain Circular and "About Mark Twain"
                       Vol. 10, issues 1-4, 1996

                          by Wesley Britton
                        Grayson County College

Vol. 10
No. 1. January-March  (J/M)
No. 2. April-June  (A/J)
No. 3 July-Sept. (J/S)
No. 4 Oct.-Dec. (O/D) (Contains Vol. 9, 1995 index, pages 3-4)

Note: Listings marked by an "AMT" are items listed in Tom Tenney's
"About Mark Twain," annotated reviews updating his 19977 _Reference
Guide_ and subsequent updates in _American Literary Realism_ and
_The Mark Twain Circular_.    
_Acting Naturally: Mark Twain and the Culture of Performance_
     (Knopper) AMT J/M 5
Angell, Roger A/J AMT 7
Baetzhold, Howard AMT J/M 5
_Bible According to Mark Twain, The_ (Baetzhold and McCullough) AMT
     J/M 5 
Bradley, David A/J AMT 7
Branch, Edgar M. J/M 1, 2-3 
Britton, Wesley AMT J/M 5
Budd, Louis J/M 4
Carlyle, Thomas AMT J/M 5
_Coneticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, A_ AMT J/M 5 
"Curious Republic of Gondor" AMT J/M 5
determinism AMT J/M 5
Dickens, Charles AMT J/M 5
Doctrow, E.L. A/J AMT 7
Dodgson, Charles A/J AMT 7
Doyno, Victor J/M 1-2
duality AMT J/M 5
Emerson, Everett J/M 4
Everdell, William AMT J/M 5
Florance, Don AMT J/M 5
French, Mark Twain and the AMT J/M 5
_French Revolution, The_ (Carlyle) AMT J/M 5
Green, Martin AMT J/M 5
Hirst, Robert J/M 3
_Huckleberry Finn, Adventures of_ AMT J/M 5; J/A AMT 7
_Innocents Abroad_ AMT J/M 5
Kiskis, Michaiel A/j 1-4; J/S 1-2
Knopper, Randall AMT J/M 5
lectures AMT J/M 5
Lorenzo, Carlo A/J AMT 7
"Man That Coruppted Hadleyburg, The" AMT J/M 5
_Mark Twain in the Company of Women_ (also see Trombley-Skandara,
     Laura) J/M 1
_Mark Twain on the Loo:e: A Comic Writer and the American Self_
(Michelson) AMT J/M 5 
Mark Twain Project J/M 1, 2-3
"Mark Twain: The Ecstasy of Humor" (Budd) J/M 4 
Mason, Bobbie Anne A/J AMT 7
McCouulough, Joseph AMT J/M 5
Michelson, Bruce AMT J/M 5
_Mysterious Stranger_ J/M 1; AMT J/M 5
performer, Mark Twain as AMT J/M 5
Powell, John A/J AMT 7
race, MT and A/J AMT 7
religion J/M 1: AMT J/M 5; A/J AMT 7
Rosenthal, M.L. A/J AMT 7
_Roughing It_ J/M 1, 2-3; AMT J/M 5
Smith, Harriet E. J/M 2-3
Styron, William A/J AMT 7
_Tale of Two Cities, A_ (Dickens) AMT J/M 5
Trombley-Skandara, Laura J/M 1
"True Story, A" A/J AMT 7
"War Prayer, The " AMt J/M 5
Wilson, James O/D AMT 1

                           VOLUME 11, 1997

                          by Wesley Britton

This update in a series of indexes of THE MARK TWAIN CIRCULAR has
one major change.  As Thomas Tenney's "About Mark Twain" is no
longer included in the CIRCULAR, the format will be simplified to
reflect this omission.  Now, listings will only include a monthly
code (J/M for January-March, A/J for April-June, J/S for July-
September and O/D for October-December)followed by the page number
of the listed item. Jim Leonard's bibliographical listings are
incorporated in the general index without special notation. 

Not indexed are "Dates to Remember," conference or convention
information, calls for papers, or the "About the Circle" page in
each issue. 


No. 1 January-March (J/M)
No. 2 April-June (A/J)
     (includes "media Update No. 2," and a bibliography of media
No. 3  July-September (J/S)
No. 4 October-December (O/D)
     (includes 1996 index)

Akyroyd, Dan. A/J 1 
American West J/M 5
Andrews, Greg. A/J 5

BABYLON 5 (television series) A/J 2
"Beef Contract, The." A/J 3
Belafonte, Harry A/J 3 
Berkove, Lawrence. J/S 2-3
Bierce, Ambrose. A/J 3
BIG RIVER (musical) A/J 2
Bixby, Horace. A/J 2
Bochynski, Kevin O/D 5
Britton, Wesley. J/M 2; A/J 1-3; O/D 2, 4
Budd, Isabelle. O/C 3
Budd, Louis. J/M 5; O/D 3 
Buffalo, NY J/S 1

Cable, George W. A/J 6
CD-ROMs (of MT's work) A/J 4; J/S 1-2 
children's literature A/J 4; J/S 6 
Clare, Ada. A/J 3 
Clemens, Olivia L. J/S 6
Comeau, Robert. J/M 6 
Coolbrith, Ina. A/J 3
Couric, Katie. A/J 2
Covici, Pascal. J/M 1, 2, 3 (obit); O/D 3
Cox, James. J/M 1

Dawidziak, Mark. J/M 5.
DeJean, Ed A/J 3
"Double Barrel Detective Story, A" A/J 3
Doyno, Vic. J/M 3-4, 5; A/J 2, 3

Emerson, Everett. J/M 5
Europe, MT and J/M 5

"Facts Concerning the Recent Carnival of Crime in Conneticut, The"
     J/M 4 
FAME (television series) A/J 2 
Faulkner, William. A/J 6 
Fishkin, Shelley Fisher. J/M 3; J/S 5; O/D 4
Fraley, Patrick. A/J 3
FRONTLINE (television series) A/J 2 

Gilding, Tom and Mary. J/S 6
"Goddess Caper, The" A/J 3
Goodman, John. A/J 2
Graves, Gary. A/J 3 

Hanibal, MO. A/J 5-6
Harris, Susan K. J/S 6
Harte, Bret. A/J 1, 3
Hartford, CT O/D 5
Haufrch, Herbert. A/J 2  
Haupt, Clyde. A/J 1
Hirst, Robert. J/M 4
history, MT and O/D 3
Hoffman, Andrew. J/M 5; A/J 1
Holbrook, Hal. A/J 3
Horn, Jason.  J/M 5
humor, MT and O/D 3

Jackson, Andrew. J/M 3
James, William. J/M 5
Johnson, Glen. A/J 1

Kaplan, Justin. J/M 5; A/J 3
Kiskis, Michael. J/M 1-2; O/D 1    

Ladd, Barbara. A/J 6
Landis, John. A/J 1 
Layne, McAvoy. A/J 3 
"Legend of the Capitoline Venus, The" A/J 3
Leon, Philip. J/S 6

Mark Twain Forum. J/M 5; A/J 3, 5
"Mark Twain House, The" (Hartford, Ct) O/D 4
McWilliams, Jim. J/M 5
media adaptations of MT's work A/J 1-4
Menken, Adah Issacs. A/J 3 
Messent, Peter. J/M 5
Moy, Charles. A/J 1
MURDER, SHE WROTE (television series) A/J 2
Murphy, Eddie. A/J 1

Norton, Charles. A/J 1
"One Million Pound Bank Note, The" A/J 1

Peck Gregory. A/J 1
Poe, Edgar Allen. J/M 5
Post, Jim. A/J 2

Quirk, Tom. O/D 3-4

racial issues A/J 6; J/S 6
Rasmussen, Kent. A/J 1; J/S 3
Roberts, Taylor. J/M 5; J/S 3
Roderigues, Paul. A/J 2

Shakespeare, William. A/J 2
short stories, MT and O/D 3 
Smiley, Jane. A/J 3
smoking, MT and  J/M 4; O/D 3
Stanion, Chuck. O/D 3
Stoddard, Charles Warren. A/J 3

"Talk of the Nation" (radio) A/J 3
TODAY SHOW (television) A/J 2
Twitchell, Joe. A/J 3

"War Prayer, The."  A/J 2
West Point, NY J/S 6
Wilson, James D. J/M 1, 3
writing, MT and J/M 5 
Zwick, Jim. A/J 2

                             - end of file -