2015 Hannibal Clemens Conference Gallery

July 23-25, 2015

Page 3 of 11

Photos and captions by Kent Rasmussen unless otherwise noted.


Sign in the Becky Thatcher House.

Tim Champlin examining a former Tom Sawyer’s pants in the Thatcher house,
perhaps wondering where he could buy a pair for himself.

Hill Street from the riverfront. The arrow points to the Mark Twain
Boyhood Home, just of out sight, three blocks up the street.


John and Patty Pascal strike a tourist pose
in front of the Mark Twain Boyhood Home.
(Photo by anon.) 


While touring the house, I remarked that instead of using statues
of an adult Mark Twain, the house should display a statue of a boy
climbing out the window–then I turned a corner and saw this display.



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